Thursday, November 10, 2022

Froma Harrop's Editorial Commentary Is Right On Target: And It Is Another Huge First For "Politidose."

Harrop's commentary published in the Times Picayune New Orleans Advocate of 11/7 titled, "Contrary to rumors, Democrats are better at the economy" was right on target and confirms what "Politidose" commentary has been saying for the past 9 plus years.  The only difference is "Politidose" commentary tells the story that Democratic administrations are best at governing all the issues and not just the economy and explains why and the details.  A good example is "Politidose" commentary dated March 19, 2021 titled, Presidential Leadership:  The Economy and Fiscal Matters The Past 40 years.

When it comes to governing the economy and the government's fiscal house, GOP administrations are so bad they cannot campaign on the issues, the numbers or the facts so they depend on lies and misinformation such as, Democrats are job killers, record spenders and the party of debt when the actual numbers support it is their own party they are describing.  Democratic administrations are best at governing the economy because they govern with plans and policies that address the issues.

Harrop knows the facts and so does "Politidose."  There are many issues that affect the economy.  Look at just a few major ones.  (a)  Every GOP administration in the last 100 years has given the country an economic recession.  That includes Reagan, Bush 43 and Trump who passed trillions of dollars in tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations that failed the economy.  (b)  Reagan was the only GOP President in the last 74 years to leave office with a lower unemployment rate than when he took office.  Every Democratic President during that same time period left office with a lower unemployment rate than when he took office with the exception of President Carter when the unemployment rate stayed the same.  (c)  The worst banking failures took place on the GOP watch of Herbert Hoover during the great depression, the collapse of the Savings and Loan took place on Reagan's watch in the 1980'0 and the Wall Street banks collapsed on the watch of President George W. Bush in 2008.  (d) No GOP President has balanced the federal budget since President Eisenhower in 1960, but two Democratic Presidents balanced 5 federal budgets during that same time period.  President Clinton balanced 4 and President Johnson balanced one.  (e)  No democratic administration lost jobs on his watch in the past 93 years.  But two GOP administrations did.  Hoover lost 6.4 million jobs on his watch and Trump lost 2.7 million jobs on his watch.  And for those 93 years, job creation under Democratic administrations can be described as robust while under GOP administrations, job creation can be described as very weak.

No matter what the category, Democratic administrations preform much better at governing for the people and the country.  What is lacking in the media is their failure to inform the people of the facts that are available at their fingertips.  Instead, they run with the GOP talking points of lies and misinformation.

The media desperately needs more journalists like Froma Harrop who obviously follows the facts to report and inform the people like her commentary of 11/7 did.  True information is wisdom, and that coupled  with political understanding, will always be the foundation for a better America.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio