Friday, April 14, 2017

Pictures Can Be Deceiving, Especially On Facebook and The Social Media

They say a picture is worth more than words but this writer can recall a picture posted on facebook during the campaign by a Trump supporter that was trivial at the time and now just plain sour grapes.  It was a picture of President Obama on the golf course where he was vacationing and the writer took the President to task because the trip cost the tax payers a lot of dollars.

Now we have a new President by the name of Donald Trump and according to a story in the Huffington Post, Trump's trips to his resort at Mar-a-lago in Palm Beach Florida has cost the tax payers over $21 million and at that price will exceed in one year what it cost the tax payers for President Obama's eight years in office.  Now that is staggering.  But the larger problem is how Trump's supporters fell for Trump's fraud talk and how they were so jealous of President Obama would resort to some thing trivial.  Maybe the Trump supporter will post a picture of Trump playing golf at his resort and tell the readers how much Trump's trips are costing the tax payers.

The supporter needs to also read up on spending tax payers money because in the past 37 years the largest percentage increase in federal spending took place on the watch of President's Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush and the smallest took place on the watch of President's Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.  Fake news about federal spending comes from the Republican Party.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio