Tuesday, July 22, 2014

U.S. Representative Steve Scalise: 48 Years Old And Still In Denial

Scalise, in a Times Picayune write up of 7/20/14 by staff writer Bruce Alpert showed his ignorance and denial concerning private sector jobs vs. federal sector jobs in the republicans weekly radio address.  He also tried to compare his child hood to that of President Lincoln. 

As usual he thinks of himself as elite and repeats the the tired old ditto head statement that democrats do not understand what makes America great.  Scalise and his party has tried to plant that seed for over 30 years, a time when many democrats served their country in uniform while many republicans stayed home.  It was democratic President's Roosevelt and Truman who served during WWII that produced the greatest generation.  Democrats do not obstruct the business of the people.

And once again his only solution to job creation is expanding domestic energy production.  For his information that is happening right now under the Obama administration no thanks to Scalis's party or himself.  It did not take place on the watch of Bush 43.   He also says republicans who have consistently tried to block the President's proposals on immigration, environmental regulations, funding for infrastructure and trying to repeal the ACA ARE NOW READY TO WORK WITH HIM.

Does Scalise, his tea party and republican allies in the U.S. House really mean "they are now ready to work with Obama" after five and a half years of obstruction?  President Kennedy once said sincerity is always subject to proof, so time will test Scalise's words. Or does he and his party see a rising economy, steady job creation, a steady lowering of unemployment, a 60% reduction in deficit spending since Obama took office, the smallest increase in federal spending in 50 years and all taking place while Scalise and his party have been on the sidelines and playing no part in the recovery.  Do they want to jump on the bandwagon before the November elections?

 In the article Scalise trys to paint the democrats as the party that borrows money we don't have.  He is in complete denial on the subject.  If Reagan, Bush 41 and Bush 43 had balanced the federal budget as Clinton did, borrowing money would not be a problem today.  I would invite Scalise or any one else to check out those facts themselves.  Of course, Scalise knows the answer, he just can not bring his tea party sonservative self to admit it.

When it comes to job creation in the private sector, republican administrations don't even register on the job creation scale compared to democratic administrations.  More new jobs were created on President Clinton's watch in 8 years than were created by Reagan, Bush 41 and Bush 43 in the 20 years they ran the country and over 92% came from the private sector on Clinton's watch.  And more new jobs have been created on Obama's watch in the five and half years he has served so far compared to what was created in the 8 years Bush ran the country.  In fact when President G.W. Bush left office he had the worst job creation record since the great depression of 1929.  Scalise is well aware of that, for he served during Bush's term in office.

Will Scalise, the new WHIP of the republican controlled U.S. House continue to obstruct and oppose everything that comes out of the administration?   Or will Scalise, the WHIP stand up for America, shed his unAmeican conservative ideology and honestly work with the President to move the country and its people forward?   He is the only one who can answer that question.  He voted some time ago to shut down the federal government and now with his new position has an opportunity and an obligation to be civil, recognize he is not elite and stand tall for America.  It is not to late but time is running out for he and his party to start being productive.

This commentary written by John Lucia

Note:  See my previous commentary dated 11/5/2010 Titled, Job Creation For Presidential Terms:  1929-2008. 

Another Louisiana Tax Give Away To A Multi Billion Dollar Chemical Company

Forget that Louisiana has vacant land, the Mississippi River, cheap labor, cheap energy (natural gas) an abundance of natural resources, a good transportation system of rail, water and truck, reasonable property taxes and a hosts of other positive  needs for business to survive.  But it is the unnecessary corporate welfare system of tax breaks and other special interest goodies that bring new business to Louisiana.

In a Times Picayune story of 7/18/14 by staff writer Katherine Bayre a chinese chemical company will build a Methanol facility on the Mississippi river in St. James Parish.  The facility will be completed in 2018 and employ 400 people.  Louisiana offered the following to the company to lure them.  (1) $9.5 million for infrastructure cost.  (2)  $1.75 million grant to cover some of the cost of leasing access to the riverfront and developing a terminal dock.  (3)  Tax breaks through Louisiana's industrial tax exemption and the quality jobs program.

The article states that the company, Shandong Yuhuang reported $4 billion in sales in 2013 and has 5600 employees.  Most of the methanol processed at the plant will be shipped back to China.  Approximately 20-30% will be sold to north American companies.  In orher words, Louisiana's taxpayers willbe subsidizing a $4 Billion company who will be shipping 70% of its product outside the U.S. back to China.

China, a country that has been dumping cheap goods, some of them toxic ones (such as sheetrock) to America and has cost many American jobs.  This writer does not have any problem with trade when companies pay their own way.  The thing that is lacking in this story is:  With all the financial aid being given to Shandong, will Louisiana insist that they use the best anti-pollution system on the market and available to make sure the plant is safe for the Louisiana environment?  The article is silent on this important matter.  After all we know China is the largest polluter in the world.

Some things never change in Louisiana and our elected officials are at the core of the status quo for doling out corporate welfare that is not needed to move Louisiana forward. Do tax payers really think Louisiana gets back the $8 billion of tax breaks doled out each year?  One would never think so with all the budget cuts Jindal says have to be made every year.

This commentary written by John Lucia

This commentary written by John Lucia.