Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Trump Trys To Act Tough On Iran

The President of the United States, Donald Trump, better known as the trumpet man walked the U.S. away from the nuclear agreement with Iran that was signed by the U.S.  with American allies in 2015.  And in his announcement tried to talk tough but failed the test of being Presidential.  Iran has not only complied with the provisions of the treaty, the inspectors who have to certify such compliance reported no violations and that Iran was living up to its obligations under the treaty since the very beginning.

Trump's excuse was that he wanted to link the treaty to other issues related to Iran and that Israel's leader Netanyahu told him Iran attempted to produce a nuclear bomb prior to 2003.  Netanyahu, like Trump     is a creator of fake news and said years ago that Iran was within 6 months of acquiring a nuclear bomb.  Of course it never happened.  The U.S. is a friend of Israel but Israel is no friend of the United States and Trump has become Netanyahu yes man.  Because of Trump's corrupt nature, he can not accept any treaty or agreement that works and does what it is meant to do.

So now U.S. sanctions will go into effect against Iran.  However, that is a Trump ploy as he also announced that the big money sanctions against Iran will not become effective until 90-160 days depending on the sanction.  In other words if Iran and the other parties to the agreement stay with the agreement, the sanctions will have a minor affect on Iran.

The Iran agreement allowed the U.S., its allies and the world the opportunity to learn about Iran's nuclear capabilities thanks to the inspection requirements in the agreement and that is huge.  Yet, the U.S., its allies and the world know nothing about Israel, India or Pakistan's nuclear operations because their facilities are closed to the outside world.  Is it not ironic that it was Israel who introduced nuclear weapons to the middle east many, many years ago and not Iraq, Iran or Syria.

Trump's decision and action will not make the U.S. any safer than it was under former President Obama.  And his tough talk against domestic gun violence has not made America safer.  In fact we now know 2017 was the worst year of such violence and it happened on Trump's watch as previously reported in PolitiDose.  Israel and the United States both have the creators of fake news and it will only become worse.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio