Monday, July 9, 2018

The Republican Leader In The U.S. Senate: Mitch McConnell

Senator McConnell, the majority leader in the republican controlled senate did what he does best, rubber stamp Trump's wishes.  In this case, will hold senate hearings to confirm Trump's new Supreme Court nominee even though he adopted a different standard when President Obama nominated his Supreme Court pick and refused to give Obama's nominee a hearing.

Democrats usually do not play bard hard because they have accomplishments when they are in power and know how to achieve results, should play hard ball when they once again become the majority party in congress.  McConnell's actions are so partisan on the Supreme Court issue it requires a hard ball response from the democratic party.  In the mean time the party can play hard ball on a few issues before they become the majority again and should use that option.

The republicans will end up confirming their so called conservative nominee, but the Trump Presidency and the republican controlled congress will continue to govern in chaotic fashion with very little accomplishments.  The past 17 months tells the real story.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio