Thursday, July 26, 2018

The November Congressional Elections Are A New Opportunity For America

The American voters have an opportunity in November to reverse the regression of the Trump administration and change the direction to a new beginning.  The voters need to elect enough democrats to give the party control of both houses of congress so real change and governing can take place.  The madness of Trump and the GOP, their lack of governing and the ongoing lies and scandals must come to an end.

The democratic party understands the issues and what has to be done to move the country and its people forward  They are the lone steady voice for the people the last 18 months with a President and republican controlled congress out of touch on the issues and no plans or policy to act on.  Trump's tariffs we are told are causing harm to America's farmers so now Trump  and  the GOP are considering billions of dollars in farm aid to those farmers who the tariffs have harmed.  Does that really make sense to anyone?  The extreme ideology continues to harm our country and its people.

A democratic controlled congress will not only keep Trump in check, it will bring clarity to the issues with sound planning and fiscal responsibility.  The country and its people should not be exposed to a Trump-GOP controlled government the balance of Trump's term in office.( If he last that long) The disfunction and corruption that has taken place for the past 18 months continues to take a toll on the country.

This November, the American people's vote will count like never before and hopefully the voters will agree a new direction is needed to change the regressive attitude of the Trump-GOP disaster.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio