Monday, March 31, 2008

Iraq: "The Outcome Of The War Will Merit The Sacrifice"

Those were the words of George Bush after the 4000 deaths of Americans in Iraq was recorded this past week.  Mr. Bush continues to be in denial on why he started this war and he and his supporters who want to continue this war are too small of a people to admit to their mistakes and incompetence.  As a result Americans will continue to die over WMD that did not exist.
Anyone who is following this war knows that American and Iraqi casualties have been going back up since the first of the year.  Bush and his administration are now trying, through the news media, to compare the deaths in Iraq to those that the U.S. has suffered in our two world wars, Korea, and Vietnam.  They do so to try to minimize the deaths in Iraq and use other wars where there is no comparison.  In those wars, the U.S. was not the aggressor nor were any preemptive wars.  Our opponents in those wars had millions of troops we faced in battle.  In Iraq, by our own count, Al Qaeda and the Sunnis and Shiite who are carrying out the civil war number less than 5,000---a great difference than the other wars that the Bush administration mentions.
Now in its 6th year, Bush, McCain, Cheney and the neocons intend to keep our military in Iraq for years to come.  This will be remembered as Vietnam, number two.  We are already well pass the half way point of that war.  Our men and women in uniform are being used as pawns, with 3 and 4 deployments, continually putting their lives at risk, even though Bush proclaimed over 4 years ago, "mission accomplished." The only mission Bush has accomplished, unfortunately, is destabilizing the entire Middle East and making America hated around the world.  
Our troops go where the President tells them, without complaint, to do their job well and serve their country.  The least a Commander-in-Chief can do for them is to make sure that they are fighting the war for the reason the war was started in the first place.  This President violated that responsibility to our troops.  
It should be noted with great concern the remark Bush made on March 29, 2008 at a joint news conference with the Canadian prime minister.  Bush said that we are in Iraq to establish Democracy in Iraq and the Middle East.  That statement, as we start the 6th year of war, was not the reason he gave the people for going to war in 2003.  Another bold face lie. History will not and should not be kind to Mr. Bush. He used the services of our men and women in uniform to mold the Middle East and Iraq in his own warped ideology.  He purposely misled them, and the country, on why we went to war.  Senator Chuck Hagel, a Republican, said this week that Bush misled the Congress about the intelligence and about the reasons for going to war.  He also noted that Bush had already decided to go to war in Iraq even before Congress voted for the resolution he asked for. Democrats have long been saying that.  Now a well respected Republican is.  These are impeachable offenses and the President needs to be judged on that level of thinking.