Friday, May 3, 2024

The U.S. Economy, Job Creation and The Unemployment Rate for April 2024.

 The U.S. Labor Department reported the economy added 175,000 jobs in April and the unemployment rate came in at 3.9%, it was 3.8% last month.  It was the 39th straight month of positive job growth and the unemployment rate has been in the 3% range now for 27 straight months, the longest stretch since the 1950's.  Claims for unemployment benefits stayed at record low levels.

Year to year inflation was up only a little over one percent from the Feds target of their goal of 2%.  So inflation continues to moderate and the Feds down talk the recession predictions of the negative voices.  The people would do well to remember the early 1980's when inflation and home mortgage rates were both in the double digit range for two years before coming down slowly.  The unemployment rate was also in the 10% range for 10 straight months.  The President's policies and the economy has handled inflation better than what took place in the 1980's.

President Biden's economy has accomplished much for America and its people.  The negative voices will continue their attacks on the President and the economy because they want to see the President fail.  Lies and misinformation is part of their ideology to divide America and for the past 39 months, PolitiDose's commentary informed the people how it would all play out, and that it would begin when the President took office in 2021.  

This Commentary written by Joe Lorio