Monday, May 23, 2011

Federal Deficit Spending and Debt: Another First For Politidose

Don't listen or believe what you hear concerning deficit spending and debt from the major or cable news networks, their journalists or talk shows when they blame democrats. And for sure don't believe conservatives, you know those anti-American republicans. This writers comments on the subject matter has been on target for the past few years and now we have confirmation in a news article by Lori Montgomery of the Washington Post dated May 1. What took so long for the news media to catch up?

The article begins with the statement "the nations unnerving descent into debt began a decade ago with a choice, not a crisis." That confirms what this writer said long ago here in politidose, that the Bush administrations record deficit spending and tax cuts are the reason the national debt is out of control. In fact the story quotes the CBO as saying that when Clinton left office, the out look was so rosey, Washington would have enough money by the end of the decade to pay off everything.

The report goes on to explain that caution was swept aside and political leaders choose to cut taxes, jack up spending and for the first time in U.S. history waged two wars solely with borrowed money to the tune of $1.3 billion and still counting. The CBO also said Bush era policies meanwhile account for more than $7 trillion and are a major contributor to the trillion dollar annual budget deficits that are dominating the political debate.

The readers of politidose know from past commentaries that if it were not for the record deficit spending and debt of the Reagan, Bush 41 and Bush 43 administrations the national debt would not be a problem and that Bush 43 was the biggest violator of all. Sadly, a good portion of the people believed the republican lies and have no clue as to what took place.

The CBO report also said: Federal tax collections now stand at their lowest level as a percentage of the economy in 60 years. The biggest culprit by far has been an erosion of tax revenue triggered largely by two recessions and multiple rounds of tax cuts. Together, the economy and tax bills enacted under former President George Bush, and to a lesser extent by President Obama wiped out $6.3 trillion in anticipated revenue.

The past is still the key to the future and past republican Presidents such as Reagan, Bush 41 and Bus 43 never learned from their past mistakes because of their anti-Amrican ideology of trickle down economics. It does not work, does not trickle down and depletes the U.S. treasury. That coupled with the republicans penchant to increase spending big time created the debt problem the country has today. The news pundits have been silent all those years. In the future, tune them out and politidose in. That says it all.

Note 1: See Politidose commentary: The National Debt; Betrayal and Devastation, dated December 6, 2009.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Another Good Economic Report For April

The economy created 268,000 jobs in April, the largest monthly total in five years with solid gains across many industries the Labor Department reported on May 7. This report was carried by AP economic writer Jeannine Aversa. The private sector has now added jobs for 14 consecutive months. The Labor Department also reported the job gains for February and March were actually stronger than it had previously thought and reported.

Unemployment was up to 9% an increase over March which was 8.8%. But the report said it appears to be because of a temporary disparity in two surveys the government uses to track jobs. Federal, State and local governments cut 24,000 jobs in April.

Average hourly earners pay are still trailing inflation. That should improve in this writers opinion as the economy gains more momentum and oil and gas prices start coming down. The economy is still on track to beat all the so called experts opinions concerning the GDP and unemployment by the time the next Presidential election comes about as previously reported here in politidose.

Once again the people should take note that the republican party is on the sidelines while progress is being made for the country and its people. Conservatives are still a real threat to a full economic recovery because of their desire to beat Obama in November 2012 and because of their anti-American ideology. The present republican party bears no resemblance to the republican party I knew since Ronald Reagan took office. There was that time in our history where the U.S. got things done for the better to help the country and its citizens.

The democratic party continues to prove they are indeed the party to lead our nation and its people back to economic health. That coupled with the fact that it was a democratic administration that succeeded in bringing Bin Laden to justice is also proof that our democratic leaders are strong on preserving our national defense.

President Obama needs to continue to push his policies for progress. Republicans have nothing to offer but the same old worn out rhetoric and falsehoods. What a difference since George Bush and the republicans no longer run the country.

Go Obama go, go green and go U.S.A.

Friday, May 13, 2011

The Defense Budget Of The United States

The United States spends more money for national defense than all the nations in the world combined. Yet no other nation has sustained a terrorist attack on its land as severe as the one in America on 9/11. The attack could not have been prevented by our superior bombers, missiles or atomic warheads. As many Americans should know by now, our defense needs are not driven by strategic planning, which it should be but is instead driven by politics, a macho hawkish attitude by many in congress who never wore the uniform of their country and the Military-Industrial Complex President Eisenhower warned the country about over 50 years ago.

When any one tries to put military spending on the table we hear all the dire consequences that are going to happen to America. It took an attack such as 9/11 to prove the hawks were way off base and that our massive spending on equipment to fight a cold war that ended over 15 years ago was useless against terror tactics. It has also proved useless in the war in Iraq and Afghanistan and can be attested to by our brave men and women in uniform who witnessed first hand the devastation a home made road side bomb could inflict on our military equipment and personnel.

If our defense budget was based on strategic planning there is much that could be cut that would not weaken our national security. We can start by bringing our service people home who are stationed around the world such as in Europe and South Korea. Those troops have not been there for any strategic purpose for many years. Both South Korea and Europe has an economy that would allow them to do what ever is necessary militarily to protect their own country and alliances. The U.S. can better spend its money home and at a much reduced cost.

Retired Marine General Anthony Zinni who during the Clinton administration was Commander in Chief of U.S. Central Command(CENTCOM) from 1997-2000 and was responsible for all U.S. forces in a 25 country region including the middle east said this in an interview with Semper Fidelis magazine dated March-April issue in 2009 concerning troops stationed on Guam. Zinni said, that is the stupidest idea I've ever heard. Training our forces there are not good and they will be strategically stranded. The lifts comes from the U.S. whether its ships or planes. They would be better off in the U.S. near the strategic lift and where you have places they could train such as Twentynine Palms and Camp Pendleton. So you have a highly trained force that can get there just as fast, rather than have them stuck on some Island where they can't train. Its absolutely stupid. Its a decision based on politics, not on strategic sense.

Congress and the military should end their buddy, buddy relationship with defense contractors. We have cost overruns on most all major equipment and much equipment is obsolete before it can be used. This relationship has to change so the country's needs will be based on a strategic planning process. We should remember some of the following statements President Eisenhower made about the problem.

President Eisenhower speaking about the Military-Industrial Complex said we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications and went on to say. In the councils of government we must guard against the acquisition of unwarrented influence, whether sought or unsough, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic process. We should take nothing for granted. See Note 1.

The money that is made available by the military-industrial complex to our congressmen in the form of campaign contributions is deplorable. It is only for one reason and that is to influence increased defense spending. As General Zinni said, our plans are not driven by strategic planning but politics. The bottom line is our nation can dramatically reduce our military budget without harming our national defense. We should start by bringing all our troops home from foreign soil who are not there as part of a strategic plan. Than money savings and the fact that our troops can have the proper training here along with spending the reduced cost right here in the good old USA.

President Obama needs to make sure his administration deals with the ever increasing cost of the defense budget and make sure we are in a position to handle the threats we face today and in the future and move away from a cold war defense budget that makes no sense. Those who declare we can not cut the defense budget are not thinking of America best interest. Remember our men and women in uniform were not equipped to handle the dangers in Iraq and Afghanistan at a time when our military spending was at an all time high. It is past time our country addresses the problem.

Note 1: Taken from the book, JFK and the Unspeakable, page 137.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Osama Bin Laden Is Dead

The master mind of the 9/11 attack on the United States belatedly met his death 9 years and 8 months after that tragic event. President Obama announced that news on May 1 and said U.S. intelligence and our special forces teamed up, identified Bin Laden's compound and in the operation killed Bin Laden.

Obama said one of his first acts as President was to tell the CIA Director that bringing Bin Laden to justice was his number one priority. That justice came two years later and was a culmination of the stepped up activity of the CIA and the military in striking Al Queda along the Pakistan-Afghanistan border region. It had been noted and reported in several news media publications that the attacks by our drone aircraft nearly tripled after Obama took office.

The death of Bin Laden is significant because it tells those who want to harm the U.S. that the U.S. has the resources to deal with terrorists and their leadership where ever they may be. The fact that our special forces went into Pakistan to engage Bin Laden demonstrates what presidential contender and now V.P. Joe Biden said during the campaign, that countries who support and harbor terrorists loose their sovereignty. That is a powerful message that now has teeth by the Obama administration.

This writer in previous commentaries mentioned how Bush and the republicans so called tough talk failed to keep America safe on 9/11. Coupled with the fact that after 9/11 Bush's focus was on Iraq and not the real problem of terror, Bin Laden was off the radar screen and Iraq became the all consuming war and the war on Terror was on the back burner.

Don't expect any republicans, especially those in congress to give Obama and his administration any credit for tracking down Bin Laden once and for all. On the contrary the republicans will turn up their opposition a notch and their personal attacks will become more vocal.

President Obama and his administration should stay focused on the economy and our national security. Tough talk is not necessary. It is what one says, how it is said and how it is implemented that counts. We don't need a show off President, we need one that is willing to do those things that really matter and make a difference for our country and its people.

Congratulations Mr. President on a job well done. Your focus on bringing Bin Laden to justice was the correct policy for America.