Saturday, August 29, 2015

More Good News For The U.S. Economy

The U.S. Commerce Department announced that the economy grew at an annualized rate of 3.7% in the second quarter.  That was more than a full percentage point higher than the initial reading forecast earlier.  Both business and consumers led the way with increased spending.

Some other good news the Commerce Department announced are as follows:  (1)  Business investment increased at an annual rate of 3.2%.  (2)  Increased government spending at the state and local level.  (3)  A better trade picture because of export improvements.  (4)  Increase in inventories.  (5)  Claims for unemployment benefits fell by 6000 last week.  (6)  A very solid report and very much confirms the view that the U. S. economy is on a solid growth track.  (7)  The Commerce Department said there are still some questions about whether the U.S. can skirt the mounting economic turmoil in China and a volatile stock market at home.

Next week the U.S. Labor Department will announce the job and unemployment numbers for August.  The country continues to rebound and grow since the great republican economic meltdown of 2008 and the President's policies continue to work.  Unfortunately, the republican party is still satisfied to be the party of NO and just recently some of their members in congress are talking about shutting down the federal government once again.  For them, the future is like the failed past.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Friday, August 28, 2015

George Will and Thomas Friedman: The Latest Journalists With Political Amnesia.

Both Will and Friedman in an editorial opinion in the Times Picayune of 8/27/15 jumped on the band wagon of blame Donald Trump.  They try to separate Trump from the republican party and their Presidential candidates but Trump and his republican opponents are one and the same in their M.O.  Both believe in political personal attacks.

Will in his column says Trump injuries the chances of a republican Presidency.  That is a slap in the face to Trump's 16 republican opponents and shows how little confidence republican voters have in those 16 candidates.  It is also a case that the republican party has no accomplishments to hang their hats on.  Will talks about Trump being a "birther" concerning President Obama in 2011, but so was the republican party.  Will also talks about how important the non-white vote is and that Trump is turning that vote away with his remarks on immigration.  However Romney and the republican party has also turned the non-white vote away with their remarks and actions.

This writer enjoys reading most of Friedman's commentaries because most are not about ideology, but like
Will he follows the same line on Trump.  Friedman cites Trump's stand on immigration, the 14th amendment and lunatic idea of sending 11 million immigrants back home and says it is not funny anymore or entertainment.  He also says it plays on people's fears and ignorance and ignores bipartisan solutions already on the table.

Friedman rightly does point out that the democratic controlled Senate pass immigration reform in June 2013 with 14 republican votes.  But he says the extremists in the republican House refused to follow.  This writer covered that in past commentary in PolitiDose.  That was never funny or entertaining on the republican's part so they are just as bad as Trump on the immigration issue.

Friedman's statement that Trump plays on people's fears and ignorance is actually a staple of the republican party.  What did President George W. Bush do during the run up to war with Iraq over WMD that did not exist?  Or Saddam was training Al Queda terrorists.  Or the many fear statements by republicans in congress during the Obama administration.  The latest one over the Iran agreement.  What about John McCain's statement in the election of 2008 when he said if Obama was elected, terrorists would attack the U.S.  Those were all statements of fear.

Yes Mr. Will and Mr. Friedman, the republican party created Donald Trump with their unAmerican ideology and personal attacks and now Trump has used it on his republican opponents and so far successfully.  The news media laughed when Trump announced he was running for President.  Now they can't get enough of him.  There has been many commentaries here in PolitiDose how the republican party has no real meaningful accomplishments for the country and its people.  People in the news media would never admit that and have over looked the republican party's extreme ideology.  Donald Trump, an outsider has exposed the republican party's failure to govern and the news media still do not get it.  What a shame and that really says it all.

Special note:  Although the subject of immigration is the top story by the news media, the real story on immigration has not been told by them.  The real story is that the republican party and their candidates said they will not take up immigration reform until after the 2016 election.  In other words, elect me now and then you will find out what our immigration plan is all about.  The republican party took control of both houses of congress in January and won't even debate the matter.  They have no character or courage on the issue and the news media is not interested in the real story.  

This commentary written by Joe Lorio


Sunday, August 23, 2015

Since When Are Banks Over Regulated?

Robert T. Taylor, CEO of Louisiana Bankers Association of Baton Rouge, wrote a letter to the editors published in the New Orleans Advocate of August 20 titled, "Financial Literacy More Important Than Overarching Bank Regulations."

Mr. Taylor in his letter says the Dodd-Frank legislation congress passed after the Wall Street Banks collapse of 2007-08 to reform Wall Street also caught up the community banks and caused an unduly burden of regulatory overkill on those community banks.  Taylor blames the Dodd-Frank legislation partially responsible for Louisiana losing 26 of those banks.  He is silent on what part of Dodd-Frank was responsible for the closure.

Taylor says the Bankers Association supports the "too big to fail" policy and supports steps necessary to prevent another financial meltdown and bailout.  But Taylor does not spell out or make clear exactly what steps he or the Association supports.  Actually, the only way to prevent a rerun bank failure is to break up those Wall Street Banks because they are a monopoly.  That is what "too big to fail" means.  Of course Taylor being a banker won't recommend that even though he has to know those Wall Street Banks are a monopoly.

During the last two decades this writer has seen many Louisiana regional and community banks buy out or take over each other claiming the consolidation will make for a better bank with better service to its customers.  But guess what?  Better service never happens.  It only improves the bottom line for their CEO's and executives.

Mr. Taylor's letter is just another self serving statement by a CEO who believes business should be able to operate without regard to any meaningful regulations.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Saturday, August 22, 2015

More Good Reasons To Elect Democratic Representative John Bel Edwards As Louisiana's Next Governor

Republican U.S. Senator David Vitter who is a candidate in the Louisiana governor's race supports Donald Trump's position of denying birthright citizenship to those born in the United States which is protected by the 14th amendment of the U.S. Constitution.  Vitter also supports a constitutional amendment to change that 14th amendment.  Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal also came out in support of those positions.

Louisiana does not need that kind of thinking in the new governor's office come next year and should be a great reminder why Louisiana needs to elect democrat John Bel Edwards to be the next governor.  Eight years of Jindal and the right wing ideology of the republican party has done enough damage to our state.  Only a democratic governor can repair the damage and set the state on a course of progress for the people.

And just this week the people are being told Louisiana's budget that was declared balanced just a few months ago will be out of balance once again before the fiscal year is up and that the new governor will have more difficult choices to manage and balance future budgets and will have to deal with this latest projected deficit.  That is another strong reason why Louisiana needs democrat Edwards to be the next governor.

Edward's three republican opponents, David Vitter, Jay Dardenne and Scott Anglee supported Jindal's failed policies until they announced they would be running for governor.  Vitter rubber stamped President George W. Bush's policies that gave the nation 8 straight years of federal budget deficits after being left with budget surpluses by democratic President Bill Clinton.  Don't expect those three republicans to put Louisiana's fiscal house back in order, they are "johnny comes lately."

Edwards has seen his poll numbers continue to climb as he campaigns across the State.  He is the only candidate who would be able to deal with the republican controlled state legislature and set the state on the path to elect more democrats to the legislature.  Louisiana and its people have always had their best years under a democratic administration because they are serious about addressing the problems and concerns that are necessary to move the state and its people forward.

This writer is confident Mr. Edwards will also put the state's fiscal house in order with budgets that are well thought out, addresses the real problems, be fair and balanced and void of gimmicks used by Jindal and the republican controlled legislature.  A budget based on reality has a positive effect on everything the state does.

Its past time for Louisiana to become a democratic state again.  The republican party was tried and failed, not only on a state level but also on the federal level under Bush.  Democrat John Bel Edwards is Louisiana's best hope to move the state and its the people forward to experience a better future.  And yes, understanding the past is still the key to a better future.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Wishing For A Scandal Does Not Make For One

Benghazi and Clinton's emails have not added up to be a scandal as of this moment.  Fox news would like their viewers to think it is a scandal and uses that word over and over as it flashes messages across the TV screen.  The idea is to wound Hillary because they think she will be the democratic nominee and they have reason to believe if she is she is likely to defeat the republican nominee in the general election.

The republican party and their candidates are using the same tactic.  After the tragic events of 9/11 the republican party and Fox news said don't blame Bush, blame the terrorists.  After Benghazi they said, don't blame the terrorists, blame Hillary.  And just recently Bob Woodward, the Washington Post journalist of Watergate fame said Hillary's emails remind him of Nixon's tapes.  The comparisons are hogwash of course and a way for Woodward to recapture the spotlight.

When the political spin is put aside the democratic candidates campaign bring sanity to an election cycle that seems to be developing into a circus.  And if Vice President Joe Biden decides to enter the campaign that will be another positive for the democratic party.

Scandal and character attacks always seem to come back and bite those who use that kind of tactic.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

"PolitiDose" Recommends Democratic State Senator David Heitmeier For Reelection.

State Senator Dr. David Heitmeier, a native and life long resident of Algiers is endorsed by this writer for reelection to represent the 7th. district.  The Senator represents Algiers, parts of Gretna and Harvey, Belle Chasse and was elected to the Senate in 2007.

Senator Heitmeier is uniquely qualified for reelection as he knows the needs of the district and its people.  Improvements to the district's infrastructure can be visually seen and is the result of the Senator's ability to find the funding to do so.  He also was able to obtain the funding for the Algiers ferry service after the bridge tolls were removed from the CCC.  The people of Algiers Point have been dependent on that ferry for over 80 years.

As a Doctor Senator Heitmeier knows how important health issues are to the people and has worked tirelessly to bring health care funds to hospitals, health care clinics and medical facilities.  As a result, the quality of life has improved for the district. The Senator is chairman of the states Health and Welfare Committee.

Senator Heitmeier is a serious public official who believes he was elected to serve the people and their needs.  He has the character, courage and the will to serve and that is what he projects on the state level.  Public service is a noble cause and the Senator lives that by his concerns for the district and the people he represents.

Senator Heitmeier has been a highly effective democratic state legislator in a republican controlled state legislature and this writer believes he should be reelected to continue to represent District 7 and its people.

Note 1:  Senator Heitmeier also serves on the following state committees:

Environmental Quality
Revenue and Fiscal Office
Transportation, Highways and Public Works
Coastal Restoration and Flood Control
Hurricane Recovery
Veterans Affairs

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Monday, August 17, 2015

New Orleans Sports Writers For The Times Picayune: Has Any One Noticed?

Last year at this time New Orleans sports writers for the Times Picayune were predicting great things for the Saints season.  Some said the Saints were super bowl contenders and it was the best roster ever.  They were also high on defensive coordinator Rob Ryan.  It was the usual cliches and hype that sports writers feel is part of the game of over paid players and coaches.

But this year they have been very cautious with their comments and predictions.  In fact some of their reports have been very negative on this years team.  They seem to have taken to heart what this writer said about them in past commentary in "PolitiDose" the last few years concerning their reports that were way off base.

This writer believes Payton has no confidence in Rob Ryan and that is why he hired a defensive assistant to work with Ryan.  No one will admit it but the Saints now have a co-defensive coordinator and that never works.  One man has to be in charge for obvious reasons.  Payton made a mistake with one defensive coordinator a few years ago and is not the kind of person to admit he made a mistake with Ryan.

It will be interesting to see how sports writers cover the Saints once the regular season opens.  And "PolitiDose" will be there with commentary to watch over them.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Right Wing Conservative Columnist Erick Erickson Is Still In A Tizzy

Erickson's article in the Times Picayune of 8/16 titled, "Trump Deserves To BeTaken Seriously" is a reminder of how bad the republican party is screwed up.  It also showed how hypocritical he is on the Trump issue.  He says and I quote from the article.  THE OTHER CANDIDATES, THE MEDIA AND THE REPUBLICAN PARTY SHOULD GIVE TRUMP THE COURTESY OF LEGITIMACY.  HE IS THE FRONT RUNNER AND THEY SHOULD TREAT HIM AS SUCH.

But Erick himself rescinded an invitation to Trump to speak at his Red State Gathering in Atlanta last week while Trump's republican opponents appeared at the gathering and spoke.  The reason given by Erick for rescinding Trump's invitation was his remarks about Megyn Kelly, one of the debate moderators.  As part of the news media Erick has no character and did not give Trump the courtesy of being legitimate like he spoke about.

Erick is also mad at the republican party for not fighting the President and surrendering to him.  He also said the republican Party created  Trump.  Erick does not like Trump and believes he will not win his party's nomination.  His nose is out of joint also because Trump said Ronald Reagan could talk a good game but did not deliver.

Erickson may not realize it but his article gave the public the reason they should vote democratic in the 2016 election.  The republican party is a screwed up one who is incapable of articulating any political sense.
They did not surrender to Obama, the President had policy ideas while they only had a failed ideology.  Besides Erickson agrees with the republicans position of total opposition to the President.

There is nothing positive about conservative journalism or the republican party.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Thursday, August 13, 2015

How Could The 2016 Presidential Campaign Unfold This Way?

Seventeen republican candidates, five democratic candidates and the possibility of a third party candidate if a certain republican candidate chooses to run that way.  The news media are having the time of their lives following a candidate who has never held public office but through their reporting has made that one candidate dominate the republican campaign.  Of course I am speaking of Donald Trump.

Of the 17 republican candidates, eight are presently holding office; four are governors; four are U.S. Senators and five are former governors.  One is a former member of congress.  Those are the people who say they are best qualified to run the country but there is Donald Trump leading them all by a wide margin.

On the democratic side only two candidates are actively being looked at seriously at the present time.  One is a U.S. Senator, and one is a former U.S. Senator and former Secretary of State.  There is no domination on the democratic side at the present time.  The democratic candidates are more on the road campaigning than they are in the news media except when Fox and the republicans talk about them.

When Trump first entered the race the news media paid little attention to him and then gave him top billing following his Mexico remarks.  Cable news outlets still say they do not understand what is driving his numbers.  Commentary by newspaper journalists has been off the wall and off base.  What is going on here?  Would the same thing be happening if Trump was running as a democrat?

The answer can be found in the republican party.  Their voters are looking for a new leader because the majority of Trump's republican opponents have been there and done that and have no accomplishments to show for it.  The party is at war with itself.  The tea party, the conservatives, the ultra conservatives, the right wingers and the evangelicals.  They do not represent the values of America, they represent their own individual ideology.

Never mind that Trump represents a little bit of all the republican party's ideology and that he represents corporate America and the wealthy who by his own admission lavishes campaign contributions on elected officials for special favors.  The party's base could care less at this particular time, they just want some one else.

Could it happen if Trump ran as a democratic candidate?  Not likely, the democratic base is not ideology but broad based and concerned with policy matters.  There is no dominate religion that controls the party and the democratic record of accomplishments is much better than the republican party.  The democratic party has also controlled so called big government better than the republic party.  Its a fact.

President Harry Truman said "A President Needs Political Understanding To Run Government, But He May Be Elected Without It."  The voting public holds the key to the type of individual they want to run government and it does not always turn out to be the best choice.  That is free speech by the voters.  And in many elections the victor does not possess the political understanding Truman spoke about.    

Will the voters elect a President in 2016 that has the political understanding President Truman spoke about to lead the country forward and put the many problems behind us.?  In due time we will find out.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Megyn Kelly, Professional Journalism and Donald Trump

Megyn Kelly said she would not apologize to Donald Trump concerning the questions she asked him during last weeks debate because she acted as a professional journalist.  This writer took issue with her so called professionalism in a previous commentary here in "PolitiDose."

The facts have been clear for a long time that Kelly, Trump, Fox News and the republican party use words that are inflammatory to describe other people.  It is part of their uncivil make up.  The problem is they get their nose bent out of shape only when it hits them smack in the face.  Does any one remember how republicans in the congress called President Clinton a scumbag and even worse and the Fox news just sat by and let their guest just pile it on.  The very same thing has happened to President Obama since his first day as President.

Those four band of brothers lack not only professionalism, they lack civility even in debate.  Kelly tried to do a job on Trump because that is what she was told to do by Fox news.  So did the other two moderators Bret Baier and Chris Wallace.  It has been know that Fox news is pushing Jeb Bush for the republican nomination.

None of those brothers are known for being fair and balanced.  The opposite is their trademark.  Fox needs Trump to be in the debates because of the ratings and has already made peace with him since the debate.  Kelly, like the girls on "Outnumbered" are attractive ladies but they have no journalistic substance.

That is a sad situation for those who seek knowledge.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Another Positive Jobs Report By The U.S. Labor Department

The U.S. economy created 215,000 new jobs in July and unemployment held at 5.3%.  So far this year the average monthly job growth averaged 211,286.  The government also announced that an additional 14,000 jobs were added in May and June over the original number reported.

Average hourly earnings in July were up 2.1% compared to last July.  Monthly average of people seeking unemployment benefits is near a 15 year low.  The reports indicate the economy continues to add strength and financial people are reporting that the Federal Reserve will probably be raising interest rates in the near future if the economy continues to improve.

President Obama's economic policies continue the precedent of democratic administrations before him in creating jobs and moving the economy forward.  What a contrast to the economic collapse during the Bush 43 administration and the present republican party's position of doing nothing to help the President's agenda.

It is worth repeating, democratic administrations policies create jobs while republican administrations kill jobs because of their conservative ideology.  The record says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Saturday, August 8, 2015

The Fox News GOP Presidential Debate

We are told that 24 million people watched the Presidential debate on Thursday night sponsored by The Fox News Network.  Unfortunately, 24 million people learned nothing about how the republicans would move the country and its people forward and continue the economic expansion, job creation and falling deficits taking place or how they would address tax inequality and the great divide in income between the wealthy and the average American.

Over 50 years ago Vice President Richard Nixon and U.S. Senator John Kennedy participated in the first ever television Presidential debate.  Television was not as advanced then as it is today, but the people witnessed a debate of substance and two Presidential candidates who articulated their policy and hopes for the future.  The moderator was not caught up in political party's and sought questions that was timely to the happenings and issues at the time.  Now 50 years later I can say in my judgement the television debate process has regressed.  And the Fox News Network, politics and the news media in general are responsible for the regression.  The following is this writers thoughts on Thursday night's debate debacle.

Fox news three moderators were unprofessional and displayed a lack of respect for their own profession and the role of a moderator in a debate.  They took it upon themselves to attack Donald Trump, the dominate republican candidate on the debate stage.  That is not the role of an impartial moderator.  They also invited and opened the door for the republican candidates to attack Clinton.

Trump stood tall when he stuck to his past statement of not ruling out a third party run.  He also ended the silly questions on immigration that wasted so much time when he declared, NO ONE UP HERE WAS TALKING ABOUT IMMIGRATION UNTIL I BROUGHT IT UP WEEKS AGO.  Trump's opponents and the Fox moderators offered no rebuttal.  Trump also ended the Iraq discussion when he reminded every one he said early on the Iraq war would destabilize the country.  He was right of course and no one offered a rebuttal on that subject either.  Trump also ate Chris Wallace's lunch concerning the silly bankruptcy question.

Ohio governor John Kasich, by his own words came across as the most moderate of all the candidates.  That is hard to find in today's republican party.  His comments were Presidential and refused to attack Clinton even though the Fox moderator offered him that opening in his question.  He also had an answer on same sex couples.  He believes all people should be respected.  When Kasich served in the U.S. House he was not a moderate by any means.  He was one of the many republicans in congress to use personal attacks and voted to impeach President Clinton.  As the campaign progresses we will find out who is the real John Kasich.

Ben Carson's answers were Presidential and displayed an overall knowledge of the problems facing America. He also displayed his witty side.  Jeb Bush flubbed the Iraq question once again when he said the war was an intelligence failure.  Of course adults who lived during that war know it was his brother and Dick Cheney who cooked the intelligence.  Bush never really seemed connected and his answers were a programmed stump speech.

Marco Rubio displayed his debate talent but his words ring hollow.  He is part of the republican party who vowed to do nothing that would help President Obama.  He is also part of the republican controlled congress that will continue to kick immigration reform down the road until after the 2016 election.  He and the party do not want to explain their position on immigration to the people in an election year.  Rubio's remark about democrats and God displayed the republican's inability to accept the God whose name they often invoke and inject into politics.

Rand Paul had a heated exchange with Chris Christie about a matter that goes back to 9-11 concerning the NSA's collection of intelligence.  That matter has already been debated in congress and acted upon.  Congress as a whole has not handled the issue very well and was a non starter.  Both of their position on the Iran deal matter more than NSA.

The last question to the candidates by the Fox moderator about "speaking with God today" was the usual attempt by Fox news and the republicans to inject religion into the Presidential debate and campaign as a wedge and divisive issue.  They would like to see the U.S. become like the middle east where religion is used to justify extreme positions.  Fox news and the republican party has cast aside one of the Ten Commandments that tells us, THOU SHALT NOT TAKE THE NAME OF THE LORD THY GOD IN VAIN.  This writer believes the Lord thy God would not approve of the way Fox news and the republican party uses his name for political reasons.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Another Foreign Policy Accomplishment For The Obama Administration

Turkey will allow the United States a base of operations on its territory where by the U.S. will launch its drones and manned aircraft to fight the war against ISIS and other similar terror groups in Syria.  Turkey has also recently joined the fight against ISIS, something it has been reluctant to do in line with its policy of being independent.

The Turkish government refused to allow the U.S. to use its territory as a base to invade Iraq despite repeated attempts by President Bush and V.P. Cheney who made multiple trips to Turkey to seek approval. The government in Turkey did not believe it was a necessary war and that war would destabilize the region.

President Obama's policy in the middle east of having middle east countries fight the war against ISIS and terror in general is being accepted more and more and will pay off in the long run.  Turkey's decision is a major one for the region and their military is more than capable of fighting the fight.

Two years ago the news media were predicting ISIS would be in control of all Iraq in another few months.  It never happened.  The American people have been lied to over and over concerning Iraq and the middle east and the leaders of Israel have been guilty of some of the worst lies.  Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told congress over a year ago Iran would have a nuclear weapon in 6 months.  It has none even now.

President Obama's policy concerning the middle east is the United States best chance to achieve some stability over there.  The Iran agreement is another right step to deal with that country's nuclear ambitions.  Diplomacy and the right policy can accomplish much when leaders recognize a problem and understand perpetual war is not the answer.

President Obama will not end his term in office as a lame duck.  Future leaders should remember that.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Senate Comes Up Short On Planned Parenthood Vote

The republican controlled U.S. Senate fell short of the 60 votes needed to cut off debate in their quest to cut off funding for Planned Parenthood.  So what did the little boys do in the republican party?  Well, they said they would shut down the government.  That is what they did two years ago when they could not get their way and defund the ACA.

Even though their party controls both houses of congress their legislative agenda is out of step with the legislative process.  The party is willing to hold the country and its people hostage once again because of their own right wing ideology.  Is there any wonder why Donald Trump is exposing the republican Presidential field as a bunch of losers with out any accomplishments.

There is another problem the party made for themselves.  They thought President Obama was going to be a lame duck President his last two years in office but discovered the President intended to be active with legislation and executive orders until he leaves office.  That will deny the republicans their plans to control the agenda leading up to the 2016 elections.

The republicans did wrong  to the people by not funding those necessary programs they have put on hold and wasted time by trying to cut off existing programs the President said he would veto.  Gaining control of both houses of congress and not using that advantage to move the country and its people forward is a great example how their ideology has warped their sense of judgement and responsibility.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Saturday, August 1, 2015

LSU, Jeff Duncan And The Preseason Football Poll

The USA Today Amway top 25 coaches preseason football poll was released and LSU was ranked 13th., completely out of the top 10 teams.  New Orleans sports writer Jeff Duncan in the Times Picayune of 7/31 says the poll isn't giving LSU enough respect.  Duncan is bullish on LSU and thinks they are a prime candidate to elbow their way into the college football playoff picture.  He hedges his bet a little by adding, IF THE TIGERS CAN JUST BE SOLID AT QUARTERBACK.

There are probably 3 reasons why the coaches ranked LSU 13th.  (1)  LSU's two quarterbacks, Jennings and Harris are both less than average quarterbacks based on their past performance.  (2)  LSU has a new defensive coordinator and it remains to be seen how well they play.  (3)  Coach Les Miles always seems to find a way to lose a game, especially important ones.  And he has falling behind in the many offensive changes taken place in the game.  

This writer believes those reasons are valid and past commentary in "PolitiDose" has pointed out how Miles has been out coached in many games.  He has failed to change in all the years he has been at LSU.  The Tigers recruiting is still very good over all but has failed to recruit top quarterbacks for the last few years.  With Chavis going to Texas A & M LSU's defense could very well be big trouble.

Preseason polls mean very little now with the play off system.  Also, in sports there are too many factors involved, factors that are even unknown until the first kick off.  Can LSU finish in the top 10?  Sure they can.  I'm not from Missouri (the show me state) but I am from Louisiana and have followed the Tigers for over 50 years and Miles will have "to show me."

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

The Presidential Campaign Of 2016.

I like the way this Presidential campaign is starting.  The republicans, especially Donald Trump are in the news media daily, especially cable news, while the democrats are taking their campaign on the road directly to the people.  The 17 republican candidates are enjoying a lot of media exposure thanks to Trump and the Fox News Network's up coming debate next week.

Fox news has managed to shoot itself in the foot over the debate format and many republican candidates are angry that the RNC has not taken up their cause of being left out.  The democrats won't have that problem when they debate and will be a more healthy debate for the people.

Most of Trump's republican opponents are elected officials who are in office or who have held office in the past and have more political experience than him.  But Trump has a double digit lead over almost all of them in the polls.  That is an indication that the republicans polled think very little of those nominees ability to govern.  Since several of those republicans are serving in the congress that fits in with the low rating congress is given by the American people.  Trump has magnified the issue by pointing out they have no accomplishments.  Trump is only pointing out what "PolitiDose" has been saying for years.

Fox news still thinks Clinton will be the democratic nominee and keeps up a steady barrage of negative comments about her.  Clinton and her democratic opponents have wisely taken their campaign to the people and not the media during the early stages of the campaign.  It allows them to stay focused and talk about the issues the country and its people face.  If Vice President Joe Biden decides to enter the race next month when he is expected to announce his plans, the democratic party will have a great debate and the voters will reap the benefits.

In the mean time the 17 republicans will continue to try and knock each other out of the race.  Will the tone be civil?  Don't count on it.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio