Friday, August 16, 2019

Rich Lowry: Another Republican Trump Ditto Head and His Fake News

In a New Orleans Advocate opinion column of 8/14/19 titled, "Mass murder used against Trump policy" represents the usual sad reporting by a conservative republican journalist who tries to tell the public Donald Trump has an immigration agenda and policy.  For  those who read PolitiDose it is known that neither Trump nor his party have an immigration policy.  They have not introduced one immigration plan in congress to be debated and or voted on since Trump took office or even before.  And Mitch McConnell, republican majority leader in the U.S. Senate has already gone on record as saying he does not know what Trump's policy is on immigration.

The fact all we hear from Trump and his party is rhetoric and no action except a few Trump executive orders, most of which have been overturned by the courts.  And Trump's order to separate children from their parents at the border are still under a court order to reunite the families.  Trump, like his party govern by ideology, not plans or policy.  Lowry, like Trump, try to blame democrats for every thing negative that takes place on the republican watch.  Lowry can't believe the polls show that Trump's personal attacks, his racism statements, support of white nationalist give support to violence such as mass shootings.

And of course, Lowry the ditto head in his column repeats the false statement that the democratic party supports open borders.  But just to bring Lowry up to date this writer would remind him that the democratic controlled U.S. Senate in 2013 passed immigration reform by a vote of 62-38 with 14 republicans voting with all democrats to pass the bill.  That was the most comprehensive immigration bill to pass and included $30 billion extra to beef up border security, with advance surveillance, doubled the Border Patrol agents and 700 miles of border wall.  And Lowry knows the republican controlled U.S. House at the time would not even take up the bill for debate and let it die because republicans do not favor immigration reform.  They just want the rhetoric.

So as of this writing, the democrats have a position on immigration reform and in policy form that was debated, passed and did not include open borders  All the republicans have is their failed rhetoric and no action.  They care more about dividing the country on the issue.  Ditto head opinion writers like Rich Lowry will continue to hide behind the republicans failure to govern and blame democrats for the republicans failed leadership.  Its really not new to those who follow politics and are not afraid of the facts.  So stay tuned to PolitiDose, your daily dose of political commentary.

Note:  Rich Lowry also wrote an opinion column dated 8/16/19 titled, "It pays to be a connected sexual predator" which was about Jeffrey Epstein.  However, the article sounded like he was talking about President Trump

Note:  Coming soon:  Abortion, and why it is a republican strangle hold around their necks.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio


The Abortion Issue In Louisiana

In a New Orleans Advocate article of 8/14/19 by Elizabeth Crisp, a Washington correspondent reported that a quarter of Louisiana residents polled by the nonpartisan Public Religion Research Institute say they oppose abortion, even in cases of rape and incest a rate higher than any other state in the poll.  Those numbers are not surprising to this writer and tell the story why the republicans who have been attacking the abortion decision Roe vs. Wade for the past 40 plus years are cowards on the issue.

The cowards know the only way to change the supreme court's decision is by a constitutional amendment but do not have the courage or character to campaign on the issue because enough states would vote against such amendment.  So they try the cowards way out by states passing their own anti abortion laws that get thrown out by the federal district courts.

Louisiana has its own cowards who recently passed anti abortion legislation and tried to escape responsibility by making it effective only if Mississippi's similar law is upheld by the court.  The little baby legislature needed a crutch to lean on, they could not stand up on the issue alone like a man.  Those elected officials who are afraid of a constitutional amendment are fearful for one big reason.  A constitutional amendment is decided by the popular vote, and cowards hate the popular vote.  And we know the big coward, President Trump still hates the fact that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote in the 2016 Presidential election.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio