Saturday, February 21, 2015

Rudy Giuliani Promotes The UnAmerican Conservative Ideology Of The Republican Party

Giuliani, the former Mayor of New York City and candidate for the republican party's Presidential nomination in 2008 said he does not believe President Obama loves America.  He also said Obama does not love you or me and was not brought up through love of this country.  Giuliani made those remarks at a private dinner Wednesday night in New York.

There is nothing worse than a jealous conservative ideology that has to rely on personal attacks to try and discredit another person.  The American people made the right choice and decision in turning Rudy away in the 2008 primaries.  When a person trys to be judge and jury to another persons life that is an indication something is very wrong with the accuser.

The so called leaders of today's republican party are not leaders at all.  They no longer live the spirit of being an American and the responsibility of civil order.  They envy the President because he has moved the country and its people forward in a responsible way and rolled back the failures of the Bush administration.

Rudy is one of many republican conservatives who are unable to articulate any achievements they have accomplished for the country and its people.  So its personal attacks that excites their ill informed base.  The conservatives want America to live in fear and preach fear every day.  But America's true leaders understand we have nothing to fear but fear itself.

I feel sure Rudy was not brought up to practice the hate he preaches.  It is something he has chosen to do on his own.  It falls in line with his conservative ideology that is being used to divide the people and the country. If Hilary Clinton decides to run for President the personal attacks against her by the republican party will grow even louder.  And when that happens you will have read it here first in "PolitiDose."

This commentary written by Joe Lorio