Saturday, March 22, 2008

The State of the '08 Democratic Race

Does Obama really have the Democratic nomination locked up like many pundits and journalists are saying?  Is Clinton really too far behind in delegates and the popular vote to catch up as many pundits and journalists are saying?  
There are so many people trying to influence the outcome of this race that it is hard to understand where they are coming from.  They are also the same people who say let the people decide, a real whopper of contradiction.
The only sure thing as of this writing is that Obama is leading in delegates and the popular vote.  Can Clinton catch Obama and pass him in the delegate and popular vote count?  Of course she can.  It is an uphill battle, but she is still in the game.
There has been much talk of what role the Super Delegates should play.  The Obama supporters say they should go with the candidate with the most delegates.  However, that is not the role of the Super Delegates.  If it were, it would be in the DNC rules and they would not be called "Super" Delegates.  They are called Super Delegates because they are free to take into consideration many other factors that go along with selecting the best person to represent the Democratic party, and ultimately be President.  This is nothing new, even to those who disagree.  The candidate, pundits, and journalists knew the rules before this contest even started.  
Journalists who support Obama, and most of them do, fail to inform the people of the real role of the Super Delegates.  Rather, they just push the idea that they should act like regular delegates.  What the public needs is a pro-Clinton journalist to push the idea that maybe a regular delegate should act like a Super Delegate.  Get the idea, "fair and balanced."
Then we have those pundits and journalists who want to rush to judgement and openly urge Clinton to withdraw.  They camouflage that with the statement, "for the good of the party".  The Democrats are having the best race in my life time and are showing the people what democracy is all about, and that is what's "good for the party", even if it goes to the convention.
The people of Florida and Michigan who went to the poles and cast their votes in the Democratic primary should have their voices heard.  It is obvious that would help Clinton, but the people did vote that way.  They should not have to pay for the mistakes of their state and the DNC.  That is the only legitimate answer.  The voters in both states casts their votes for the candidates on the ballot and/or on the uncommitted slate.  That is the way they should be divided.  The voters could have cast their votes for all uncommitted if they wanted to, but a majority choose Clinton.  That was the voter's business and choice and it should be honored.  The Obama campaign does not even want the Florida-Michigan vote to count in the popular vote.  Are these people really Democrats?  What will they dream up next?  Just treat the people's votes as if it never happened?  What kind of democracy is that?
In my judgement, what I see happening tells me this race is far from over.  We are getting down to the final primaries and the American people will now have to make up their minds on who can best lead this nation to deal with the many serious challenges Bush will leave behind.  I don't expect journalists to get serious because they have too many axes to grind.  I do, however, expect the voting public to take a good, hard look at the remaining primaries.  The Democratic process may have a surprise ending.   

Doctrines of Obama's Church

The following are excerpts from an article written by Margaret Talev for McClatchy Newspapers:

Jesus is black. Merging Marxism with Christian Gospel may show the way to a better tomorrow. The white church in America is the Antichrist because it supported slavery and segregation.

Those are some of the more provocative doctrines that animate the theology at the core of Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, Barack Obama's church....

But in repudiating and putting in context Wright's inflammatory lines about whites and U.S. foreign policy, the Democratic presidential front-runner didn't address other potentially controversial facts about his church and its ties.

Wright has said that a basis for Trinity's philosophies is the work of James Cone, who founded the modern black liberation theology movement out of the civil rights struggles of the 1960s. Particularly influential was Cone's seminal 1969 book, "Black Theology & Black Power."

Cone wrote that the United States was a white racist nation and the white church was the Antichrist for having supported slavery and segregation....

In an interview, Cone said that when he was asked which church most embodied his message, "I would point to that church (Trinity) first." Cone also said he thought that Wright's successor, the Rev. Otis Moss III, would continue the tradition.

Obama, 46, who's biracial, joined Trinity in his late twenties when he worked as a community organizer. He says he'll continue to worship there...

It isn't clear where Obama's beliefs and the church's diverge. Through aides, Obama declined requests for an interview or to respond to written questions about his thoughts on Jesus, Cone or liberation theology... 

(For the full article, click here. )

Did Obama attend the church knowing some of these radical doctrines that the church is founded on?  Thats a question that needs to be answered.  

McCain's Secret Weapon...

Obama has Obama Girl.  Hillary has "Hot 4 Hill" Girl.  John McCain has...the McCain Girls.  Take a look if you need a quick laugh: