Monday, July 8, 2024

Forget About Presidential Immunity: Donald Trump Is Still A Convicted Criminal, Sexual Abuser, Fraudster and Serial Liar.

He is also a former President who while in office tried to overturn the 2020 Presidential election and obstruct the legal transfer of power to the newly elected President Joe Biden.  Presidential immunity is not given to nor is needed by any President who obeys the rule of law and the constitution.  It is also not needed for a President who upholds his oath of office.  Donald Trump and his GOP know this and that is why they are trying to overturn Trump's New York conviction and the state of Georgia from prosecuting Trump by Georgia's Attorney General.

What Trump fears the most now is being sentenced to prison before the election over the 34 felony counts he was found guilty on by a 12 man-woman jury of his peers that was approved by Trump's lawyers and the prosecutor's lawyers.  As usual Trump accused the jury of being corrupt and biased.  America the Beautiful has never been exposed to such an unfit person for public office and a ditto head republican party that is unfit to govern in congress.

The country has been exposed to Trump's corruption and toxic behavior and chaos for the past 8 years and the media still feels it has to enable the criminal.  It is way past time for the media to tune out Trump's toxic rhetoric, lies and misinformation.  We have heard it all over the past 8 years and there is nothing left to add.  Let him address the nation over his own social network so those who want to continue to get toxic can do so on their own.   

Enough is enough, the convicted criminal should be treated like one.  America the Beautiful must overcome.  And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio