Friday, June 12, 2015

The Ugly Side Of Technology

How many times do we have to hear the same song?  Hackers tap into the computer systems of business, of government and individuals and obtain information that is both personal and other wise.  Our intelligence community has the same capacity and we have been using it for many years.  So what else is new?  Is there any one out there that thinks the problem will be  resolved soon?

This ugly side of technology has been used by governments all over the world as another tool for intelligence gathering and when they do so they sweep up every bit of information in sight.  Now its about cyber  technology theft which we are told is a greater danger.  We have heard the reports of the U.S. hacking into Iran's computer system that runs their nuclear program and shutting down their operations for several weeks.

When will it all stop?  It won't, make no mistake about that.  The advances in technology has out striped the ability to make a fail safe system.  More and more individuals every day learn the skills to beat the system.  And many social media outlets post personal information that can be tapped into easily.

Changes will have to be made overtime how the internet is used and what information should be carried in order to make it harder for hackers to obtain access.  The problem can be slowed down but don't look for any progress on the matter in the near future.

The only safe system for computer technology is to refrain from using it.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio