Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Creating a Fair U.S. Tax Code

Don't listen to congress when they say the tax code is a mess and has to be dealth with, corrected and made more simple because they are the ones who wrote the tax code to begin with.  The Tax Code is a mess because Corporate America and the wealthy dictate what should be in the tax code and they use their campaign contributions as influence.  That is why the code is swamped with tax exemptions, loop holes and exceptions that protect and help corporate America and the wealthy. 

Make no mistake about it, the code can be simplified very simply with various tax brackets and no exceptions.  Everyone should be expected to pay his or her fair share in taxes that finance the needs of the country and its people.  Under the present system the wealth of the middle class in America has been transferred to the wealthy with trickle down economics and special tax breaks for corporate America and the wealthy. 

Tax brackets can be done in a fair way when special interest are eliminated.  And a minimum tax rate can be fairly established for those with a minimum income.  The tax code change should be done with the country's priority being to establish a lasting economy that will put the country in full employment mode.  Full employment was accomplished during the Clinton administration.  Full employment and a fair tax code will allow our people to earn a good salary and at the same time pay taxes that keeps everything going.  When the tax burden is shared by all, all will prosper.  When the tax burden is shared by the few who happen to be the middle class, the economy, jobs and the American way of life detoriates.

Yes, the tax code can be made fair for all, absent all the loopholes and etc.  Tax brackets can be drawn fairly for all income levels by putting America first.  At the present time special interest is put first and the country and its people are paying the heavy price.

This commentary was written by John Lucia

The Latest Economic Jobs Report For June

The Labor Department announced that the economy created 195,000 jobs in June, much more than was being predicted and that the unemployment rate remained at 7.6% because more of the unemployed was seeking work with the uptick in the economy.  Those not seeking work are not counted by the Department.

They also reported that job creation for the previous three months was greater than they reported at the time and that for the first 6 months of the year the economy created an average of 202,000 jobs per month.  That is a healthy number despite the lack of republican help and their goal of wanting to see America and its people fail.  The republicans hate to see history repeat itself that confirms democratic administrations always out perform republican administrations concerning the economy and job creation. 

And once again it is worthwhile to repeat as I have done so before many times over here in "politidose", if the U.S. House would have passed Obama's job's program that they have been sitting on for over a year and a half, our country would be at or near full employment by the end of the year.  The republicans in the U.S. House are a pitiful lot and do not represent what America is all about.  In fact they lack the basic self respect of what is expected of congress.  And they get paid for this inaction.

This commentary written by John Lucia