Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Buddy Roemer: Republican Presidential Candidate

Former Louisiana Governor Buddy Roemer announced his candidancy to join the republican field for their party's nomination for President. In doing so Roemer made it clear that corporate America and their lobby are running things in Washington because of the wealth they pass around in campaign contributions. He also made it clear that is why the status quo in Washington exists.

In his announcement, Roemer showed how campaign finance reform can easily be done by refusing to accept campaign contributions from corporate America and their lobby. Roemer understands that he will probably not be able to compete with the rest of the field who will be more than willing to sell their soul. But the beauty of his decision is that it is the only true way of reform because there are no laws or court in our land who can force him to take campaign contributions or find it to be unconstitutional.

The other beauty part is that it does not cost the tax payers one cent or tie up time in congress passing empty campaign finance reform laws with all the loop holes elected officials love to do. The news media should give Roemer the same coverage they give to others but they won't because most of today's news media is owned by corporate America who support the status quo.

The country needs more candidates like Roemer who reject the buying of elected officials. If enough candidates would do that over a period of time it would catch on. The voting public should understand that to refuse campaign contributions is the only true and workable campaign finance reform that will work for the benefit of America and the people. Voter should express that in the voting booth.

This writer has written several commentaries concerning the subject matter. Maybe just one touched a cord with Mr. Roemer and started the ball rolling. Hopefully, real campaign finance reform the easy way will take hold and set an example of how this simple change will return government to the people and for the people. We already know the status quo of wealth for votes does not work. Understanding the past is still the key to the future. Are there any other candidates out there that have the character and courage? And that really says it all.