Thursday, May 21, 2020

PolitiDose Leads, As Others Follow.

PolitiDose took the lead in commentary dated 3/31 titled, "Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards Does a Better Job Updating The People On The Coronavirus Than President Trump" that expressed the thought that the governor handled the coronavirus situation and pandemic much better than President Trump did for the nation.  Now comes an opinion column published in the New Orleans Advocate by Stephanie Grace titled, "Washington should take a cue from Baton Rouge" that relates to polls that have ranked President Trump's slow and unpredictable response to the virus poorly.  And that a new poll by "Survey Monkey" finds every governor except one earned positive ratings for handling the crisis with Edwards in the top half at 72%.

In other words, the poll shows what PolitiDose alluded too in commentary before any poll was released.   The people of Louisiana who watched and listened to Trump's and Edwards remarks on the situation knew first hand that governor Edwards did a better job by far and on every detail.  The leadership was in Louisiana while the White House was in chaos.  It was also PolitiDose who predicted governor Edwards would reverse former governor Jindal's fiscal disaster and put Louisiana's fiscal house on a sound footing.

So stay tuned to PolitiDose, your daily dose of political commentary who sees things as they are.

This commentary written  by Joe Lorio