Friday, January 28, 2022

The Economic Good News For America and Its People Continues On President Biden's Watch.

The Commerce Department announced that the annual GDP rate grew 5.7% in 2021, the fastest growth since 1984.  And that the fourth quarter annual GDP rate (October thru December) grew at a robust 6.9% rate, higher than the pundits were expecting.  There was also economic good news concerning private investment and consumer spending.  

Consumer spending increased 7.9% in 2021 compared to 2020 and private investment increased 9.5%.  The annual GDP for 2020 was a minus -3.4% so the economy in 2021 saw a positive swing of 9.1% in the GDP.  Also reported was the fact that resurgence in demand was so robust it caught business off guard and created shortages that are still with us today.

The GDP number represents evidence the Biden administrations plans and policies are working and putting more money in consumer's pockets that is fueling the economic expansion.  And now it is important for Congress to pass the President's BBB legislation to keep the economy on solid ground for continued growth.  Senators Manchin and  Sinema need to get on board and forget about their power to obstruct. 

In one short year, President Biden's administration has achieved economically what Trump and the GOP could not in their four years in power.  And did so in every phase of the economy.  And once again it is a democratic administration that has reversed the failed economic ideology of a previous GOP administration.  "Politidose" was there to tell the story before it took place in commentary published in December 2020 and January 2021.  The prediction was based on the facts of past democratic precedents and the fact that the democratic party is best at governing.

All the GOP, the so called conservative media, the pundits and ditto heads have left are their noise of division, personal attacks, misinformation and outright lies to influence the people.  They are incapable of even telling their own supporters the truth.

America has a President in the White House who has carried through on his campaign promises and will continue the fight and put America and its people first with plans and policies that work.  And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio 

The Sean Payton Era Ends For The New Orleans Saints.

 Sean Payton announced his retirement after 15 years as head coach of the New Orleans Saints.  It was sudden after some speculation about his future.  But at a news conference this week, Payton made his retirement official.  And the platitudes began to recount his time with the Saints.

Payton brought the Saints respectability in the NFL after years of being non-competitive and compiled a regular season record of 152-89.  His teams averaged 10 wins a season, qualified for 9 playoffs, had a 9-8 record in the playoffs, won the Super Bowl in 2009 and recorded 10 winning seasons as the Saints head coach.  The Saints went to and won the Super Bowl in Payton's fourth year as head coach, a remarkable accomplishment which his team never repeated in the 11 seasons since 2009.

And like nothing is ever perfect, all was not positive in Saint land.  Bounty gate reared its ugly head and set the team back for several seasons.  It took place on Payton's watch and he was fined and suspended from coaching one full year by the NFL.  Payton and Brees, praised by the Saint's sport writers as offensive genius, in the 9 playoff seasons they participated in, won more than 1 game only once, the Super Bowl year of 2009.  The Saints ended the 2021 regular season with a winning record of 9-8, only because the NFL added an extra game to the schedule.

The positives out weigh the negatives but "Politidose" was right on target when it predicted five years ago in commentary that Payton and Brees had already seen their best years as a Saint and it actually turned out that way.  So now the Saints will be looking for a new head coach and the world of sports media will be all over the place in their predictions.  But the bottom line is really fundamental balance.  If the Saints hire the right coach and produces a winner, Payton will just be a memory and Saint's fans and the sports world will soon forget.  That is the nature of sports.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio