Saturday, September 1, 2007

Craig gone, but why not Vitter?

Sen. Larry Craig of Idaho announced today that he is resigning from the Senate after being involved in a gay bathroom sex scandal. His resignation came after much pressure from his own party to resign. But as this week went by and I saw more and more GOP politicians turn against Craig and push for his resignation, I began to wonder, why wasn't there any pressure from the GOP on Sen. David Vitter to resign after his sex scandal earlier this summer.

I hate to think it, but the first and most likely reason is because Craig was involved in a "gay" scandal, while Vitter's was with a female prostitute. I can't help but feel that if Craig was involved in a scandal with a woman, he wouldn't have had to resign. Both men were hypocrites, Craig for voting against civil unions, against gays serving their country in the military, and against gay rights, and Vitter, for running his campaign on family values and attacking Bill Clinton, while he himself was involved in cheating on his wife. Both men's actions were more than likely illegal: Craig for attempting to have sex in a men's restroom and Vitter for paying for sex, whether the DC Madam calls herself a prostitute or not. The only conceivable difference is that Craig was outed as a homosexual while Vitter was just with a woman. I'm upset the media has not called more attention to this even further anti-gay view of the GOP. If Craig had to resign, then the Republican Party should have encouraged Vitter to do the same.

Hill and Bill's Big Week

I've just received an e-mail from the Hillary for President campaign informing me that Hillary and Bill Clinton have a busy week coming up:

September 4: Hillary on Ellen
September 4: Bill Clinton on Oprah
September 4: Bill Clinton on Letterman
September 5: Bill Clinton on Larry King

The one that stands out to me is that Hillary Clinton has been booked as the first guest on Ellen for her new season. This is a huge opportunity for Hillary to reach out to a new group of people, as I'm pretty sure Ellen viewers aren't paying that much close attention to the 2008 election.

Just this past Thursday, Hillary was on Letterman and I must say she was hilarious. She came off as funny and warm and charming and the audience reaction was great. It is on shows like this that Hillary can go on and come off as warm and really change people's opinions on her.

And of course having Bill Clinton on separate shows from her can also be a real boost to her campaign. He is the master of captivating an audience and winning them over. It will be interesting to see how he and Oprah interact, as Oprah is an outspoken Obama supporter. Bill on Letterman should also be entertaining and Larry King will give us a much more serious interview of Bill Clinton than the others.

This week is the chance for Hillary to change people's opinions on her. A good showing on Ellen will help her make a lasting appeal to the stay-at-home mom demographic. Hillary has come off as so much more relaxed lately and, as on Letterman, she can show that she truly does have a great sense of humor. I know for one I'll be setting the Tivo to watch!

The Burden of the 44th President (a special editorial by John Lucia)

The next President will face major tasks and the voting public will have to ask themselves who is the person that is best qualified to be the next President. Following is a list of issues that will have to be faced and acted upon, although the list is not in any order nor is it a complete list. The next President will have to:

1) Keep the U.S. safe from terrorist attacks by recognizing the true threat and having a plan that deals realistically with the cause and the threat. Remember the worst foreign terror attack on U.S. soil happened on Mr. Bush's watch while he was trying to talk tough. "Tough talk" has no effect on terrorists who are willing to die in their attacks on America. The tragic events of 9/11 proved that.

2) Rebuild our armed forces and reserves which have been depleted under the current President's failed policy in Iraq. We are losing recruits and our people on active duty because of an unnecessary war which has discouraged new recruits to join the active and reserves in numbers necessary for our National Security.

3) Balance the Federal Budget once again, so trillions of dollars in interest being paid on the national debt can be used for needy purposes. The last 3 Republican Presidents failed to balance one budget in the 20 years they served in office. Instead they presided over 20 years of record deficits. The present term of George W. Bush is included in those 20 years as he has already stated he will not balance and federal budget before he leaves office in 18 months.

4) Act tough when and where it counts instead of trying to talk tough. Can any one really remember when any of our enemies paid any attention to so called tough talk?

5) Once again reclaim and carry the moral mantle of world leadership and work with our friends to accomplish those things that will make the world a better place for our children.

6) Be willing to take on the challenge of solving those problems that have been around for so long and never acted upon. President Kennedy once said our problems are man made, therefore they can be solved by man.

7) Realize that every country has the right to self government and that the U.S. will not interfere if our security and national interest is not at risk.

8) Defend our country and national interest when need be but at the same time have the wisdom, a policy and a working plan, to know when a threat is real or suspect.

9) Lead by deed and action and restore civility in our debates and working relationships. One who can once again promote the arts and science that will encourage society to embrace the highest standard of humankind.

10) A President who will stand up to the leaders of Israel and the PLO and say to both enough is enough. Both sides kill innocent men, women and children in the name of retaliation and then shrug and say those things just happen in war.

11) A President who will stand up and say abortion is legal in the U.S. and elected officials should not engage in the politics of division in order to secure votes.

12) A President who will bring the war and occupation in Iraq to an end. Do what is necessary to have the U.N. and nations of the middle east work with Iraq to have a stable government and withdraw our troops. No one should accept the hype that a U.S. withdrawal would cause a calamity. If that is the only answer the most powerful military and economic country in the world has to offer, God help us all. If the U.S. can not withdraw from Iraq in a responsible way that will protect our troops and the Iraqi people then we don't belong there in the first place. The only answer the people have who want to keep this war going is for the U.S. to stay in Iraq for ever. That would be tragic.