Saturday, September 1, 2007

Hill and Bill's Big Week

I've just received an e-mail from the Hillary for President campaign informing me that Hillary and Bill Clinton have a busy week coming up:

September 4: Hillary on Ellen
September 4: Bill Clinton on Oprah
September 4: Bill Clinton on Letterman
September 5: Bill Clinton on Larry King

The one that stands out to me is that Hillary Clinton has been booked as the first guest on Ellen for her new season. This is a huge opportunity for Hillary to reach out to a new group of people, as I'm pretty sure Ellen viewers aren't paying that much close attention to the 2008 election.

Just this past Thursday, Hillary was on Letterman and I must say she was hilarious. She came off as funny and warm and charming and the audience reaction was great. It is on shows like this that Hillary can go on and come off as warm and really change people's opinions on her.

And of course having Bill Clinton on separate shows from her can also be a real boost to her campaign. He is the master of captivating an audience and winning them over. It will be interesting to see how he and Oprah interact, as Oprah is an outspoken Obama supporter. Bill on Letterman should also be entertaining and Larry King will give us a much more serious interview of Bill Clinton than the others.

This week is the chance for Hillary to change people's opinions on her. A good showing on Ellen will help her make a lasting appeal to the stay-at-home mom demographic. Hillary has come off as so much more relaxed lately and, as on Letterman, she can show that she truly does have a great sense of humor. I know for one I'll be setting the Tivo to watch!

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