Saturday, January 8, 2022

Another Big First For "Politidose."

 Froma Harrop's opinion column in the New Orleans Advocate dated 1/5/22 titled, "Joe Biden's Economy Is Turning Out Really Well" was right on target, but nothing new to the readers of "Politidose" commentary who knew the U.S. economy would do well under Biden's democratic administration. 

"Politidose" commentary dated 12/7/2020 titled, "What will the New Year Bring Politically" and commentary dated 1/23/21 titled, "Joe Biden:  The 46th President of the United States" told the story why the Biden administration would bring back the economy and create jobs and how he would do it.  It was based on what is known as precedent of previous democratic administration and their record of success in turning around failed GOP leadership on economic matters.  It also has to do with the fact that democrats govern better than the GOP because democrats govern with policies and plans to face the issues while the GOP govern with an extreme ideology that never address the real issues.

Harrop's column is a little late but welcomed.  She wonders why the public has a lackluster opinion about Biden.  But like the media she represents, holds the key to the answer.  The media is too busy giving their time to Trump and the GOP noise machine and their daily lies and mis-information concerning Biden and the democratic party's agenda.  Positive news about what the Biden administration has accomplished is given little coverage.  The media also gives little coverage to the fact that every republican administration for the past 100 years has given the country an economic recession, yet they push the GOP rhetoric that the GOP are best at handling the economy.  The record is clear that is a fairy tale.

The facts tell us democratic administrations do a much better job governing than the GOP and by a wide margin.  So stay tuned to "Politidose" your daily dose of political commentary for the facts and the real story.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Job Creation and The Unemployment Rate for December 2021.

The U.S. Labor Department reported that the U.S. economy added 199,000 jobs in December and that the unemployment rate fell to 3.9%.  It was the 11th straight month of positive job growth in Biden's first full 11 months in office. (Feb. - Dec).  A year ago in December 2020, the Labor Department reported the economy lost 140,000 jobs on Trump's watch, a swing of 330,000 jobs for the better this December.  The Department also noted that November's job numbers were 39,000 more than originally reported.

The 3.9% unemployment rate for December was much improved from the 6.3% rate in January 2021 when Trump left office.  Hourly wages for December were up 4.6% over November's numbers and workers are leaving their present employment to seek higher paying jobs elsewhere.  All in all, the report indicates the economy is still expanding and the virus surge will continue to play a negative tune on the economy to a certain degree.  That is the main reason why the President's BBB legislation should pass the senate as soon as possible to assist negate the effects of the virus.  It is a fundamental part of the President's policy for an economy that still needs to be primed to a certain extent.

So in Biden's first full 11 months in office, the economy has added 5,513,000 jobs, an average of 501,000 jobs per month according to the monthly reports of the Labor Department.  Trump, in his first 36 months in office (before the pandemic) 6.6 million jobs were added to the economy for a monthly average of 183,000 jobs per month.  And Trump ended his Presidency with a loss of over 3 million jobs, the worst job creation record since the great depression of 1928-1929.

President Biden's legislation that has passed congress is working to move the country and its people forward.  But understand, no economy is perpetual and able to survive on its own.  There has to be an ongoing policy and plan along the way available to implement when needed to face the issue that is a threat.  That is why Biden's leadership and policies are so important for the economy in 2022 and beyond.    

The year 2021 was a good start.  This year is important to keep the economy going forward.  The noise machine will continue to be negative and obstructive to divide the country until the November congressional elections.  It is up to every American to tune out the noise  and mis-information  for the good of the country and all of it citizens.  The democratic precedent of accomplishments continues under the Biden administration and those who pay attention along with the readers of Politidose commentary knew it would take place.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio