Sunday, September 1, 2024

The American People Will Elect Kamala Harris President In The November 2024 Presidential Election.

 Vice President Kamala Harris, now the democratic party's Presidential nominee began her campaign on a high note, it is clear to the voters that it is she and not Trump who represent America and its cherished values no matter the issue or the subject.  The media's constant image of President Biden being the old and confusing candidate is no longer on the media's agenda.

All the media has left now is the old and convicted criminal candidate Donald Trump to continue their love affair.  But Kamala Harris has thrown a curve in the media's plans to crown Trump President one more time with their excessive news coverage, over looking his corruption of everything he touches and his toxic and violent rhetoric.  The media is actually comfortable with Trump despite his criminal activity and his threats of retribution.

Hamala Harris put the fun back in campaigning and talking to the people of America.  Its about building on the past success to move forward to a better future.  It is still sunshine every day in America despite 8 years f Trump's personal attacks, corruption and dark outlook for America's future.  Harris is the young candidate with a smile, a bounce in her step who reminds the voters America is not going back to the dark world of Donald Trump.

The media has done its best to try and convince the voters to overlook the facts that Trump is a convicted criminal, sexual abuser, fraudster and a former President who tried to overturn the 2020 Presidential election.  They have failed to question his rap sheet face to face and failed to express the opinion that Trump should withdraw from the campaign because of his criminal record.  In the past, the media has done so concerning other candidates or elected officials who have committed some serious actions.  But with Trump, their media star, they have let it slide.

Kamala Harris represents the future of the democratic party along with other younger democrats and her nomination comes at the proper time because America is in need to change the subject away from the dark voices of Trump and his party.  The American people  have responded to Harris's campaign, her smile, her outlook for America and its people and her determination not to go back and a refreshing look on campaigning being fun to be able to visit and talk to people she will be working for if elected.

 This writer is of the opinion that the majority of American voters will not return to office Donald Trump, a convicted criminal.  The majority vote will not allow Donald Trump to betray the moral fabric that has kept America the Beautiful alive since 1775.  The choice in the November election is clear and in favor of Kamala Harris.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio