Saturday, May 18, 2019

The Immigration Albatross Begins To Strangle President Trump Despite His Rhetoric

After 28 months in office President Trump finally introduced a splintered immigration plan.  With illegal immigration at record levels on his watch, a failure to reunite families that were separated because of his policies and under a court order to do so, the situation at the border has never been worse.  And all the American people have heard the last 28 months was Trump's hollow rhetoric and his blame game.

Trump's plan that he introduced this week was splintered and did not address the most serious issues concerning the problem.  As a result some in his own party said it was a non starter.  Trump tried to put the responsibility on the democrats in congress if his plan failed and said if the people return the U.S. House to republican control in the 2020 elections, reelect him and keep the senate in republican hands, then he and the republican controlled congress would pass immigration reform after the 2020 elections.  (like as if they did not have that option for the first 24 months)

The only reason Trump introduced his plan now is because 2020 is on his mind and he and the republican controlled congress did nothing on immigration up to this point in time.  And Trump himself said immigration was his top priority next to his tax cuts.  Now, illegal immigration is at a breaking point on Trump's watch and he has nothing to talk about in the way of accomplishments and his reelection campaign is in full swing.

A good example of how Trump and his party operate on immigration can be found in a ruling handed down this week by a federal circuit court of 3 judges that upheld a previous court ruling that Trump had no authority to cancel DACA, an immigration program that began during the Obama administration.  Trump issued his order to cancel DACA when the republicans controlled both houses of congress and neither Trump or the republicans had any plan or policy to replace DACA which was working.  And Trump's plan that he introduced this week still does not address DACA.  Trump and his party are so hypocritical on immigration and health care there is no denying their do nothing attitude.

True immigration reform that address the total problem will only take place when Trump and his party respect the democrat's plan and suggestions and incorporate that with their own.  The republicans health care plans failed because they rejected democratic ideas.  That same rejection on immigration will also fail.  What is needed on immigration is an American plan, not a republican or democratic plan.

Trump's self serving statement about democrats being for open borders and etc., are contrary to the facts.  He knows that and it is his only answer because he himself has failed to act on the immigration issue for the past 28 months.  And there lies the story.

This commentary written by Joe orio