Thursday, March 10, 2016

After A Primary Win Donald Trump's Lack Of Character Comes To Life

Donald Trump's post election speech from his headquarters in Florida Tuesday night celebrating his primary wins in Michigan and Mississippi was a good example of a man who on a winning night sought fit to once again personally attack his republican opponents.

It was not a humble speech nor one with virtue.  It was a time to celebrate a victory with his supporters but instead talked about his business accomplishments with much criticism for others.  Trump's lack of character shows his weakness as a man and also conveys his reasons for speaking in the singular.  (I'm going to do this, I'm going to do that.)

Speaking in the singular is the trademark of republicans but they have little accomplishments to show for it.  A Presidential candidate can not afford to be negative as Trump and expect to be effective or even representative of what America is all about.  It should be obvious that many executives in corporate America are ruthless and Trump, being a part of corporate America, exhibits his fondness of being ruthless.

If a Presidential candidate can not show character and humility in winning, he is already a loser.  Trump talks a lot about his opponents being part of the establishment but so is he.  He is part of the corporate  establishment who give millions of dollars to elected officials in campaign contributions to try and influence their vote.  That makes the corporate establishment worst than the political establishment.  And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

To The Readers of PolitiDose

As you may have noticed, someone hacked into my system with an over lay over the heading of PolitiDose.  I have not been able to remove it as yet but I am still trying.  If not successful I will keep everyone posted as to my next step.

Best regards to all and Semper Fi

Joe Lorio

Another Huge First For PolitiDose

If Times Picayune columnist J.R. Ball's editorial of 3/9/16 on the state legislature and LABI sounds familiar its because you read it here first in PolitiDose.  Almost every thing Mr. Ball wrote about has been covered by commentary over the last several years in PolitiDose including a commentary about LABI.  Those who live close to the situation in Baton Rouge always seem to have the answer after the facts and too late.

The Louisiana Association Of Business and Industry (LABI) control the state House run by the republican party and do LABI's bidding:  republican politicians are generally aligned with the desires of big business and industry;  The poor have democrats in their corner;  Big business and the rich have republicans fighting their battles;  Louisiana is facing a financial crisis not seen in decades;  republican legislators want the poor and middle class to clean up the financial mess they helped create by doing Jindal's bidding in the past.  Those are some of the remarks in Ball's editorial.

The difference between Ball's editorial and past commentary in PolitiDose is Ball's editorial comes after the facts while comments in PolitiDose happened while the events were taking place and even before with predictions what would happen with Jindal's future budgets.  If readers are looking for facts, tune out the Times Picayune and tune in PolitiDose, your daily dose of political commentary.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio
Note:  See previous commentary titled, Louisiana Association of Business and Industry:  A point of View Article dated 3/15/15