Saturday, November 3, 2018

Megyn Kelly Is Out At NBC

NBC and Megyn Kelly have parted ways after her show was cancelled last week.  Kelly, who came to NBC from the Fox News Network less than two years ago was given a contract for $69 million by NBC.  This writer wrote commentary not long after she was hired and expressed the opinion that Kelly was a pretty face but lacked the talent to be a successful journalist.  Her salary amounted to a give away on NBC's part.

Megyn Kelly was one of the many nice looking women Fox employed and had a popular show only because she followed Fox's policy of promoting conservatism and attacking democrats especially President Obama and Hillary Clinton.  The viewers of Fox news eats that sort of thing up but NBC is of a different venue and Kelly was not able to cope with responsible journalism.  A pretty face will only take you so far.

The end of Kelly and NBC's relationship was no surprise to this writer.  Maybe Fox News will rehire her.

This commentary was written by Joe Lorio

Donald Trump Inherited So Much Good When He Became President

And then for the next 21 months demonstrated how little respect he would have for the people, the country, our constitution and the rule of law.  And he uses his corrupt persona and lies in every thing he touches.  And his present campaign of fear in the lead up to net weeks elections demonstrate just how small a person sits in the White House.

President Trump was able to enter the White House with an economy in its 7th year of economic expansion and job creation.  An unemployment rate of 4.7%, a reduction in deficit spending, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan on the wane with less U.S. troops and ISIS being ejected from their strong holds in Iraq.  A stock market that more than doubled, low gasoline prices and low inflation.  America and its allies were working together for a better world paying attention to and taking care of the environment was important.

Progress on immigration was made on immigrants from Mexico and no where being a "national emergency" as Trump is trying to sell on the campaign trail before next weeks election.  In fact  migrants arrest from Mexico have been much smaller in the last several years than in the year 2000 and there are more border patrol agents.  In fact Rogue Planas in a Huffington Post story of 10/31 says, Trump took office under conditions more favorable to immigration hard liners than any President since Richard Nixon.  Trumps problem with immigration is his own self serving empty rhetoric and no policy or plans

For a President who entered office with a positive America on the move, Trump blew it big time.  We now have a President who is so divisive he is not welcomed at funerals where former Presidents went to pay their respect and had empathy for the grieving families.  The President of the United States, Donald Trump can not bring himself to respect his fellow man.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio