Friday, May 25, 2018

Another Huge First For PolitiDose

Bob Marshall in a Times Picayune article dated 5/20 titled, Our Elected Officials Are Putting Health and Safety At Risk" is a great commentary concerning issues written and reported on in PolitiDose over a period of time.  Marshall outlines the issues in a list of those rules or regulations that have been rolled back or repealed by the Trump administration and supported by Louisiana's six GOP congressional delegation.

Those rules and or regulation changes have a direct and negative impact on Louisiana and the country in general and are part of the extreme republican ideology that PolitiDose has talked about for years.  Bob Marshall is a credible reporter and Louisiana can be thankful for his timely thoughts.  His editorial confirms PolitiDose's position that Louisiana is poorly represented in congress by its republican representatives and that the state deserves better.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio