Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Finally, Real Presidential Leadership On Afghanistan.

 President Biden's order for the American withdrawal from Afghanistan was once again an American example of true leadership to a problem originated by some one other than himself.  In the face of criticism by the press, the GOP, the pro-war groups and those who want to see his administration fail, the President told all the "buck stops with him."

And in spite of the  cries from the opposition  about chaos taking place, the President's steady leadership has resulted in a steady evacuation of Americans and Afghans who cooperated with the U.S. over the 20 years of war.  As of this writing over 50,000 people have been evacuated and the effort continues.  The evacuation has been successful even though the Afghan government and its military cut and ran instead of fighting for their own country and protecting their own people.  The negative voices in America have a real problem understanding what is so good about America and how difficult the war was.  Those negative voices have no answer to the problem except another 20 years of American occupation.  President Biden understood the past sacrifice of our troops when he said he would not see another American lose his  life in Afghanistan when the Afghan military failed to defend their own country.  

America now has a President wo understands war, its effects, its limitations and its consequences.  Biden's steady leadership on the issues will be the checks and balance against the noise machine out there who want to see he and the country fail.  The media and negative voices will continue to wrongly describe the withdrawal as chaotic being the result of Biden's policies, but the facts tell us the withdrawal is going well considering the fact that the Afghan government and military has been a no show.

History will give the President a thumbs up concerning his handling of the end of this war and the evacuations.  Make no mistake about it.

This commentary written by Joe  Lorio