Saturday, October 31, 2020

The President Continues To Violate His Oath Of Office.

 The mentally unfit and impeached President Trump continues his assault against the nation's democratic voting process with his lies and unproven remarks of massive voting fraud both at the polls and with the mail in ballots.  And his anti-American rhetoric to his supporters to take action at the polls in order to intimidate voters all add up to the violation of his oath of office to uphold the law and protect America's institutions and the constitution.

The unfit President took another sick step recently in declaring that the only votes that count are the votes cast and counted on election day Nov. 3.  Never mind the millions of lawful mail in votes that are timely filed but counted past election day.  The confusion that this President tries to perpetuate during the country's voting process apes what authoritarian and dictator regimes do to deny the vote and divide the electorate.  The attempt to corrupt our institutions and the constitution has never been greater by an American President.

On November 3 the American voters should overwhelmingly reject this President's traitorous actions and his anti-American quest of authoritarian rule.

This  commentary written by Joe Lorio