Thursday, January 10, 2008

POLITIDOSE's Beat The Press

I am pleased to introduce POLITIDOSE's new periodical version of  "Meet the Press".  From time to time, I will be taking a look at some of the stupidest, most outrageous, and most biased personalities in the media.  In today's edition, may I present to you, the sexist, the obviously biased, and the just plain crazy, Chris Matthews, who is now on my list as one of the biggest @$$es in the media.
Now, I don't necessarily agree that Matthews is the cause for the Clinton New Hampshire win; I think the hard work and dedication of Clinton and her supporters is what led to her win.  But, as Rachel Maddow told Matthews to his face, Chris Matthews has had and continues to have a flagrant biased towards Obama and strongly against Clinton: 

And, if Chris Matthew's biased towards Obama and against Clinton wasn't clear enough yet, look at this shortened video where Matthews compares Obama to Lawrence of Arabia.  This man is insane:

And what does Matthews do to guests he disagrees with? He yells at them:

And then, of course, is the near-orgasmic outburst from Matthews after Obama wins Iowa, saying that his win was "the deliverance" in the "biblical" sense of the word:

And here is Cenk Uygur, directly taking on Chris Matthew's apparent hate for Hillary Clinton, citing quotes from Matthews over the last 3 months:

And here is the final video where Hillary herself confronts Matthews and rightfully calls him "obsessed" with her. Matthews than proceeds to whine that, "I'm not obsessed". Yea, right Chris. O, and by the way, what the hell was Chris looking at around the :35 mark?

Hillary Answers YOUR Questions has launched a great new feature, called "Ask Hillary", where anyone can submit questions to Hillary and Hillary will answer the best ones.  If you ask me, this is a great way to use technology.  The fact is that many Americans who will be voting in the upcoming primaries won't get a chance to attend a Clinton rally where Hillary answers audience questions for 2 hours straight.  This new feature, however, allows Sen. Clinton to answer questions from those voters and that is what Democracy is all about.  It's not about going on a press tour and appearing on every political show possible to answer the questions of the biased media.  It is about listening to the American people and their questions and ultimately answering to them.  It empowers ordinary people to know that they too have just as much, if not more, stake in this than anyone seen on T.V.  

So, without further ado, here is the first of many installments of "Ask Hillary":

A Reckless Foreign Policy

George Bush's attempt to play God in Iraq and the Middle East is a prime example of a leader trying to use its military power with impunity to enforce its own warped ideology on other countries.
We now learn, (what people with common sense found out long ago) through a report by the Associated Press, that the Arab nations worry about Iran's increasing influence around the Region particularly in Iraq and Lebanon.  Sunni countries like Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and the gulf states fear Iran will dominate Iraq in coming years because of its influence on Iraq's Shiite politicians. 
The war and occupation in Iraq, over WMD that did not exist, will be entering its fifth year in March.  Prior to this war, the Arab nations knew that Saddam and Iraq held Iran in check.  This war did not only destabilized Iraq, but also the entire Middle East region.  And as I mentioned before, when this war is done, because of Bush's reckless behavior, Iran and Iraq will be close allies.
None of this speaks well for America, our security or the security of the Middle East.  With the balance of power shifting, Israel with its WMD, Bush's incompetence and the problems in Pakistan, another country with WMD, the whole Muslim world could blow up any minute now.  Bush's bully-mentality towards other countries has caused a great backlash against the United States and has and continues to endanger our security.  
Democracy was not forced on the United States; our founding fathers were responsible for that.  Democracy can not be forced on other countries like Bush thinks he has a right to do.  The terrorists who were responsible for attacking the U.S. on 9-11 still flourish and their influence is growing.  The action of Mr. Bush to start a war and occupation in Iraq, instead of action against those who attacked us on 9-11, has set the Middle East on fire.  Democracy forced on others is simply not true Democracy.  
The shame of all this is that our men and women in uniform are still paying the ultimate price.  And we are still being told the surge is working, despite the fact that the reason given for the surge has never taken place.  2007 was the most deadly year in Iraq for our troops and for the Iraqi's.  In case any one has not noticed, 13 americans have already been killed in Iraq this month and from the same causes.  Our troops and our country were safer on the previous administration's watch.  That says it all.