Friday, March 11, 2016

The President Keeps The Pressure On The Leading Terror Groups

U.S. air strikes hit Somalia terrorist leader al-Shabab's main planning base north of Mogddishu killing over 150 Islamic militants in the training camp.  Somalia's intelligence said they cooperated with the U.S. in the air strikes.  The U.S. government announced the strike.

On another front against terrorists the U.S. said an Islamic terrorists al-Afari, a chemical and biological expert that was captured in Iraq by U.S. special forces provided the U.S. with details about how the group had weaponized mustard gas into powdered form and loaded into artillery shells.

The news media gave very little coverage of the those event in favor of the Presidential race.  But every day we are witness to the fact that the Obama administration has done a remarkable job in bringing terrorists around the world to justice.  His policies are working and fighting terror is still his top priority.

The cable news networks are just like the republicans in congress.  They just can't bring themselves to acknowledge that the President is taking care of the nations interest and national security.  They are too busy filling up their air time with Donald Trump.  The news media thinks its more important to have a post debate show where for hours they tell the viewing audience what they already heard from the candidates.

The U.S. has a President that has his priorities straight and a news media that lacks judgement in their reporting and broadcasting.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio