Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Hillary Clinton Is More Credible Than The News Media

The cable news networks just struck out for the third time.  The first two strikes were over Benghazi and her e-mails.  The networks ran them as a scandal which does not exist.  Congress held hearings on both and Clinton testified under oath and congress found nothing.

Now the cable networks are promoting a new scandal.  They want copies of Clinton's speeches to Wall Street.  Never mind this is a new twist never demanded before.  It comes about because Clinton's opponent Bernie Sanders is running against Wall Street and thinks Clinton will be controlled by them.  Some republican candidates have jumped on the band wagon but guess what?  Hillary Clinton is on record as saying she would raise taxes on Corporate America and the wealthy who are Wall Street.  While Trump, Rubio, Cruz and Bush said they would lower the tax rate for those same folks.  Its some thing Reagan and Bush did so the facts say it is the republicans who are committed to Wall Street.  Don't hold your breath and wait for cable news to point out this fact.  They are in denial.

So its strike three for the news media on Clinton's speeches and once again there is no scandal.  Cable news continues to try and fill up time with non stories and fails flat on their face.  MSNBC says they are "the place for politics", Fox news says they are fair and balanced and the no spin zone and CNN claims to be the "situation room."  This writer has the cable news number.  Tune them out and tune in "PolitiDose", your daily dose of political commentary.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio