Friday, July 26, 2019

The Democratic Parfty Continues To Lead and The Republican Party Can Only Follow

The republican party and Trump had a chance to lead on extending funding for the 9/11 first responders in 2017 and 2018 when they controlled everything.  But they pushed the issue aside and thought it would go away.  But the democratic controlled U.S. House heard the first responders plea and responded with legislation that secured funding thru 2092.  The republican controlled U.S. Senate took up the bill this week and passed the measure after two republican senators delayed the vote.

The funding issue was basic to taking care of those injured in the line of duty but republican ideology finds a way to fog up common sense.  They can find a way for huge tax cuts for those who need them the least.  Republican senator Rand Paul was one of the senators to delay the bill because it increased the deficit without cutting spending to pay for it.  This is the same Paul who voted for the Trump-GOP tax cuts that will add $1.5 trillion to deficit spending and there were no offsets.  What a hypocrite.

The U.S. House also passed a two year $2.7 trillion budget-debt legislation that avoids what could have been another government shutdown at the end of September when funding runs out and ends the past republican practice of using short term continuing Resolutions that don't work and which was responsible for shutting the government down last year.  Only 65 republicans voted for the bill while 132 voted against it.  Five of the 6 republicans from Louisiana voted against the bill.  Trump supported the bill because his party in the past was not capable of passing a long term plan.  The U.S. Senate will take up the bill next week for its vote.

And now this week Trump's Justice Department announced it has opened an antitrust investigation of big technology companies and whether their platforms have hurt competition, suppressed innovation or otherwise harmed consumers.   Democratic Presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren has already announced if elected President she would break up big tech Corporations and other monopolies that have harmed consumers and competition.

Trump and the republican controlled Senate ae well aware of the 2020 elections and the fact they could lose control to the democratic party.  So be prepared to see the republican party adopt democratic issues the closer the country moves to the 2020 elections.  And when it happens, you will have read it here first in PolitiDose, your daily dose of political commentary.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

President Trump's Mental State Continues To Deteriorate

The trumpet man's out of the blue comment on Afghanistan was another sad example of how far he has slipped mentally.  The President's statement that he could win the war in 10 days, wipe Afghanistan off the map and would kill 10 million people could only mean he was referring to the use of nuclear weapons.  That would be the only way to kill 10 million people in 10 days.

Here we have the President of the United States talking about nuclear weapons when the U.S. has been trying to prevent the spread of such weapons.  Trump's statement was alarming that a U.S. President and Commander in Chief would actually think in those terms, much less carry out an attack against a country who has no such weapons or any defense to prevent such an attack.  The statement is against every thing America stands for.

Afghan's leader responded to Trump's horrific statement that outside countries have tried to determine the fate of Afghanistan for centuries and failed and would not be intimidated.  Trump's mental condition which brings about his rants are a threat to American troops deployed in Afghanistan and other parts of the world.

Trump's unfitness to be President has not changed after 30 months in office and his party continues to support his every destructive rant.  No question about it, the trumpet man and the GOP are deplorable.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Myth Of GOP Conservatism On Fiscal Matters: The Story Continues

PolitiDose in past commentary has unmasked the fiction and myth of the republican party in being conservatives.  But the regular news media continues to push their conservative spin.  Now comes a report on the internet by three Washington Post journalists that Trump is telling his cabinet to look for big spending cuts in his second term if he is reelected.  Trump is no conservative but told the people he would end deficit spending, balance the federal budget and pay off the national debt.

But under Trump and the republican controlled congress federal spending is up, the national debt is increasing and deficit spending is increasing and just this last week the Trump administration said the deficit for the present fiscal year which ends 9/30/19 will be up again, this time over $1 trillion.  The Washington Post story talks about how the republican conservatives (yes, can you believe that, conservatives ?) have had a hard time trying to balance spending cuts with increases in federal spending and that failure to cut social security, medicare and Medicaid attribute to a failure to balance the budget.  And of course the writers throw in the cost of the Trump-GOP tax cuts that reduced federal revenue.  Its like they, Trump and the republicans did not know that would happen.

The republican excuse that social security, medicare and Medicaid have to be cut to balance the federal budget and the news media's willingness to promote that fairy tale was proven wrong by the Clinton administration who raised taxes on those making over $200,000.00 a year, did not cut social security, medicare or Medicaid but still balanced four budgets and cut deficit spending every year his first four years in office.  The Clinton administration also paid down over $300 billion in the national debt.  All because Clinton had an economic and deficit reduction plan that worked because it addressed the problems.

The fiction and myth of republican conservatism and the willingness of some in the news media to promote those as conservatives is laughable.  When were the republicans really conservatives?  Was it recently?  Was it not too long ago?  Was it during the Reagan or Bush administrations?  Lets try the following on for size.

No republican administration has balanced the federal budget since Eisenhower in 1960.  That is over 50 years ago.  (yeah you read that right)

No republican administration has left office with a smaller deficit than when he took office in the last 50+ years.  But every democratic administration except the Carter administration  did so.

The national debt had its greatest increase under the Reagan administration and the George W.Bush administration in the last 50+ years.  The national debt stood at less than a trillion dollars when Reagan took office and when he left office it stood at $2.8 Trillion at the end of his last fiscal year or a 186% increase in the national debt on his watch.  It increased another 105% at the end of George W. Bush's last fiscal year following Bill Clinton's administration.

If Reagan, Bush 41 and Bush 43 had balanced the federal budget as Clinton did the national debt would not be a problem today.  President Reagan called the democratic party the big spenders and the news media swallowed it.  But at the end of Reagan's first four fiscal years, total federal spending increased 50% over the previous four years of Jimmy Carter.  And as of this date no democratic administration has even come close to that huge increase in federal spending.  In fact federal spending under Clinton and Obama came in at a much lower percentage increase.  But the news media continues to push the republican agenda of democrats being the big spenders.  The George W. Bush administration had the next largest increase in federal spending so the Reagan and Bush administrations had the largest increase in federal spending in the past 40 years.

The three greatest bank  failures in U.S. history took place on the conservative  republican watch of Herbert Hoover, Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush.  And now Trump and the republicans in congress are on the same path as the republicans have been on for the past 50+ years.  The only surprise is that some in the news media still think the republicans are conservative.  But PolitiDose understood the truth long ago and so did its readership.

Could all of this be a coincidence?  This writer happens to think not.  There just is no such thing as a republican conservative in the White House or in the Congress.  And you read it here again first in PolitiDose, your daily dose of political commentary.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Friday, July 19, 2019

The President In The White House Has A Mental Deficiency: Another First For PolitiDose

It was previous commentary by PolitiDose that questioned Trump's mental fitness to be President based on his actions as a candidate and as President.   And now we have his recent rants and tweets with un-American comments about four duly elected representatives in the U.S. House.  The President continues to verbally abuse women he can not control with un-civil attacks of a personal nature.  Trump's mental deficiency has no bounds and he is incapable of fulfilling his oath of office.

Trump's rants and tweets were a quick reminder of his recent run in with the women's soccer team that won the world cup.  A non-political team of women that Trump had to provoke because of his need to insult and dominate women of success.  One of the women players recognized Trump for what he is and said Trump does not like women he can not control or grope.  Is it any wonder that some people in sports said the White House use to be a place of honor to visit, but not any more with Trump there.

There is no question Trump's rants and tweets were racism and his party in congress fell in line like good ditto heads and supported his actions.  It was another episode of Trump and his party's cowardly acts of trying to intimidate women they can not control.  PolitiDose has been at the fore front of describing Trump and his party as cowards in past commentary and just the other day one journalist with the Washington Post called the republicans in congress cowards from the yellow states in reference to Trumps racial tweets.

There is no way to sugar coat Trump's mental deficiency.  He displays it every day in the most profound way.  A corrupt person with no moral compass who respects no one and as a result can not claim respect for his own self.   And that really says it all about the trumpet man.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Trumpet Man Must Be Reading "PolitiDose" On Its Immigration Commentary

For a number of years PolitiDose has exposed the republican failure to provide policy or Plans for immigration reform, debate such before congress and call for a vote.  It has been doing the same thing since Trump became President and it looks like the President received the message.  After 30 months in office and nothing to show for immigration reform except Trump's rhetoric, the following was reported yesterday by a senior administration official according to an internet news release.

The senior official said Trump presented a bill to his cabinet Tuesday for overhauling the current immigration system to make it more merit based.  There was no time table for introducing the bill to congress but the President was looking to rally the republicans around a detailed proposal.  The President was scheduled to meet with the leaders of the republican party on Tuesday afternoon on how to go forward but cancelled the meeting abruptly right before it was set to start.  In fact, republican leaders were already on their way to the White House.

The senior officer was quoted as making the following statement which people who read PolitiDose and follow politics already knew.   "The  goal of this has been to unify the Republicans as much as possible around a plan, noting that DIVISIONS with the GOP over policy issues had HINDERED IMMIGRATION REFORM BIDS IN THE PAST."   We'll see what leader McConnell and McCarthy want to do.  If they want to put it for a vote.  But at least the Democrats will know what the Republican unified position is.

The facts tell us republicans have HINDERED IMMIGRATION REFORM during President George W. Bush's administration, a republican administration who wanted the issue addressed.  They did the same during President Obama's administration and went so far as to let immigration reform passed by the democratic controlled Senate with republican votes in 2013 die in the republican controlled House with out even debate.  Yes my fellow Americans, PolitiDose is way ahead on the issue so important to our country than the regular news media who continue to allow Trump and his party to spout their extreme rhetoric with out explaining the facts to their readers and viewers.

But PolitiDose, your daily dose of political commentary will continue to bring its readers the facts on the issues as they occur  The buck and the lies never stop at Trump's desk nor with his party's rhetoric.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Turkey Turns To Russia To Build Its Air Defense System

Turkey signed an agreement with Russia to purchase Russia's S-400 air defense system and parts of the system have already been delivered.  President Trump threatened Turkey with sanctions if they purchased and installed the system but Turkey brushed those threats aside and said the U.S. and Europe had not presented a viable alternative to them.

The hang up is Turkey manufactures parts for the U.S. F-35 stealth fighter jet and the Pentagon thinks the Russian system will undermine the U.S. stealth technology.  The U.S. is also training Turkey's pilots to fly the F-35 jets but stopped the effort when it looked like Turkey would go with the Russian Air defense system.

Turkey, a NATO ally also displayed its independence during the administration of George W. Bush when they refused the Bush administration permission to use Turkish soil to launch part of the ground war into Iraq during the 2003 invasion.  Republican administrations are not very good at diplomacy and threats against countries like Turkey have no standing.

The trumpet man's foreign policy continues to be a disaster and Putin still has the goods on Trump and Trump is still denying Russia's role in the 2016 Presidential election.  Putin is also aware that Trump does not think much of the NATO alliance and Russia's deal with Turkey may become another wedge for Trump to hang his hat on.  Time will tell.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Monday, July 15, 2019

New Orleans Advocate Journalist Lanny Keller And The ACA: On The Wrong Side of Facts

Keller's column titled, Health Care Has Risks Politically, Even If Cassidy Succeeds This Year, dated 7/12/19 was the usual sad republican position on the ACA, only this time with Keller's own fairy tale twist.  Forget about how important health care or the lack of affects people, Keller is only concerned with the issue being a win for the republican party.  Keller falsely claims that Louisiana's U.S. Senator Bill Cassidy's far reaching health care plan to repeal and replace the ACA was scuttled by democrats and republicans in 2017.

Cassidy's plan was scuttled by his own republican controlled Senate who refused to take up his bill for debate and not by the democratic party who had no input on the republican bill that went down to defeat.  (The U.S. republican controlled House passed their health care plan but Cassidy's Senate would not even take up their bill)  Keller also talks about Cassidy and his fellow republican Senator John Kennedy who are working on a health care plan that would not repeal or replace the ACA but work around the edges and if what they offered could pass it would be a WIN for the republican
party.  It should be noted that Cassidy is a doctor and his own party never put his ideas about health care on center stage.  It should also be a reminder what former republican speaker of the House John Boehner said, "that the republican party has never been serious about health care and he predicted his party would not pass health care legislation when they voted in 2017 and he was right on target.

Hillary Clinton during the 2016 Presidential campaign said if elected President, she would improve on the positive aspects of the ACA and change those areas that needed change and make it better.  That would be the best way to deal with the ACA and it now appears Cassidy and Kennedy agree  The republican attidude of repeal and replace represents unAmerican thinking on the issue.  Democratic Presidential candidate Joe Biden supports Hillary's thinking on how to make the ACA better and it is the most common sense way to deal with the health care issue.  So far the republicans have had 15 years to come up with a workable health care plan and have failed.  And  now, Trump and his party has added an insult by saying they will not take up the issue until after the 2020 election.

One also needs to keep in mind how Trump lied on the health care issue when he said in March of 2017,  if the republican party does not pass their own health care plan he would introduce his own.  Well of course he never did because he never had a plan to begin with.  Trump and his party have zero credibility on the health  care issue.  But Keller believes the republican party can come out a winner by following Hillary Clinton's ideas.  If the democrats can win back the Senate and keep the House in the 2020 elections they will surely move to improve the ACA, make changes that are needed and make it better for all.

Ever since his election as President, the trumpet man and his party has tried every thing to sabotage the ACA since they failed at repeal and replacing the ACT.  To his credit, President Obama gave the republican party every chance to come up with their own health care plan when the ACA was being debated.  They never did because as John Boehner said years later the party was never serious about health care.  And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Sunday, July 14, 2019

The U.S. House Passes 9/11 First Responders Bill

The democratic controlled U.S. House voted 402 - 12 and approved legislation to extend funding for 9/11 first responders and their families until 2090.  Last month the House Judiciary Committee voted unanimously to reauthorize the September 11th Victims Compensation Fund after Jon Stewart testified before the committee and urged its passage.  Stewart has been an outspoken supporter for the fund and criticized the lack of action to put the funding on solid ground.

The vote was overdue as the funding was being depleted and could lead to a 50-70% reduction in compensation.  Some in congress complained about the cost  After the House vote democratic Senator Chuck Schumer urged republican senate majority leader Mitch McConnell to hold a vote on the legislation promptly and not let other republicans push them to the back burner like the last time.  McConnell would not commit to any time frame.

Once again it is the democratic controlled House that moved and passed important legislation to cover the health problems of the 9/11 first responders and their families who have suffered serious health problems and even death.  It takes serious people to address serious issues and the House continue to pass important and meaningful legislation since the democrats took control in January.

The fate of the legislation is now in McConnell and the republican controlled Senate hands.  Lets see how long it takes for them to act.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Orleans and Jefferson Parish Should Take The Lead in Flood Control

Both parish should pass legislation that would require all new construction of residential homes be raised to a certain height to eliminate the ongoing flooding threat that seems to multiply each year.  Slab homes should be a thing of the past.  Climate change has already taken a toll and will only become worse because of those blind to scientific facts and the flooding that has already taken place.

The proliferation of slab homes have cemented earth and eliminated much needed bare land for water absorption and that water has no where to go but up.  Then when you consider the healthy increases in flood insurance and the federal government complaining how flood claims have drained the insurance fund and their reluctance to address the situation timely demands a better solution.  Raised homes would produce a better solution for obvious reasons.

Drainage systems in both parish are strained and out dated to a certain degree and can not handle heavy down pours that fall in a short period of time.  But a raised house can.  The additional cost of a raised house, if any, would more than offset the cost of flood damage and the human toll it takes on the family.  The situation of New Orleans is worse because the city sits in a water bowl to begin with and all are familiar with the problem.

Legislation that requires all new residential construction  to be raised won't solve the current problem but it will be a start that recognizes a problem that can be addressed where the future will be better than the past.  It is also the best answer to controlling flood insurance cost and the cost to rebuild.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Friday, July 12, 2019

Job Creation For June 2019 ---The Story Continues

The U.S. Labor Department reported the economy created 224,000 jobs in June and that the unemployment rate came in at 3.7%, up from the 3.6% in May.  It was the 105th straight month of positive job growth.  As usual, June's job numbers brought mixed remarks from economists.  Those who follow the stock market said what the federal reserve does on interest rates later this month will determine where the market goes despite the job numbers.

So in President Trump's first 29 months in office a total of 5,431,000 jobs have been created for a monthly average of 187,275 jobs.  In President Obama's last 29 months in office 6,223,000 jobs were created for a monthly average of 214,586 jobs.  So job creation continues to lag under the Trump administration despite his rhetoric, his tax cuts, his bragging and his predictions.  And if one believes the glowing reports about the booming economy and stock market by the regular news media and the Trump administration and how Trump's policies are working, think again.  The numbers show the news media are out of touch with the good job President Obama did on the economy, jobs and the stock market while inheriting the worse economic conditions since the great depression.  They showed President Obama no respect.

As for the so called booming stock market today, try this on for size.  When President Obama took office the DJIA stood at 7949 and at the end of his first 29 months in office the DJIA stood at 12,261, a gain of 54%.  When Trump took office the DJIA stood at 19,827 and at the end of his first 29 months in office it stood at 26,600 on 6/28/19 a gain of 34%.    But you will never see or hear the news media make the comparison and state the facts.  They prefer to be dishonest with the people and go with the flow of the fairy tale life they live in.  They have given Trump so much press and air time there is little left to have a dialog with America and inform the people.

President Obama sleeps well knowing of his accomplishments and the fact that he led the country out of the republican party's great economic recession.  And despite all the good economic outcomes Trump inherited from President Obama, Trump still lags behind in his first 29 months in office.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Thursday, July 11, 2019

The News Media's Silence On An Issue Important In The Democratic Presidential Campaign

As usual, the news media has committed a lot of time to the issue of segregation in the form of Kamala Harris' attack on former V.P. Joe Biden's statement. However, it is a non issue because Biden has a record as a long time U.S. Senator and former V.P. opposing  racism and supporting humans rights.  But in today's political world negativism is on top of the news media's mind.

And as a result one of Biden's position if he becomes President was overlooked and received no publicity at all.  It has been the most important statement of any Presidential candidate.  Biden said if elected he would bring our troops home from Iraq and Afghanistan and end those wars. Our troops have been in Afghanistan since 2001 and in Iraq since 2003.  Of course, President Bush told America and the world the U.S. accomplished its mission in Iraq in 2003.  Yeah, right.  Our men and women in uniform have paid a heavy price for all those years.  America's work is finished there and those two countries should be able to protect themselves after so many years of American training and no more Americans should have to die there.

Joe Biden has the experience to handle the Presidency if he is the democratic nominee and wins the general election.  He also has the diplomatic capabilities to work with America's allies and deal with any threats from America's adversaries.  He has a positive political record to run on and the political understanding that is necessary to run government.  Biden will be a positive candidate while the news media will continue their silly reporting.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Louisiana's So Called Republican Conservatives Are A Sorry and Hypocritical Lot

So called republican conservatism in Louisiana just can not shake their ties to the extremes of Newt Gingrich.  Now comes an article in the New Orleans Advocate dated 7/3/19 titled, Louisiana Voters Need a More Conservative Legislature, by Dan Fagan.  Fagan thinks the republican controlled state legislature is not conservative enough because they voted to support Governor Edwards agenda that addressed the failed fiscal policies of republican Governor Jindal.

But Fagan thought those same republicans were conservative enough when they supported Jindal's policies and unbalanced budgets that created billion dollar deficits that Governor Edwards had to face when taking office.  And to top it off Fagan's conservatives blew big time the $700 million budget surplus left by former democratic Governor Blanco.  In the article, Fagan says Senator John Kennedy and Attorney General Jeff Landry will work to defeat some of those republicans they think are not true conservatives  They think conservatism is elite and superior and use that ideology to suppress facts and thought.  They lack the good judgement of our founding fathers and the spirit of being an American first.

Any one in Louisiana who pays attention would conclude that Jeff Landry and John Kennedy have a sorry record of accomplishments, just like the republican party itself.  The latest example in the news tells of the failed republican School Voucher Program that cost the state and tax payers millions of dollars.  The fact remains that conservatism escaped our political system when Newt Gingrich came upon the political stage.  It became a extreme ideology with no positive accomplishments.

Unlike Mr. Fagan, the republican controlled state legislature knew it would be best to support Governor Edwards priorities because they knew they failed to put Louisiana's fiscal house on a sound footing during Jindal's eight years in office and that they themselves had no positive alternative.  Democratic administrations always do a better job at governing because they believe in plans and policy while republicans use and believe in ideology.  And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Despite Trump's Tariffs, The U.S. Trade Deficit Rises

The Commerce Department reported this week that the U.S. trade deficit rose to a 5 month high in May, 8.4%, $55.5 billion the highest since December 2018.  The nations exports increased 2% while imports increased 3.3%.  The increase in imports was mainly attributed to the import of crude oil and cellphones.  The deficit in trade goods with Mexico rose 18.1% and with China it rose 12.2%.  So the trade deficit continues to increase on Trump's watch despite his tariffs, his rhetoric, his tax cuts, his lies and his threats.

America still has an appetite for imported goods because America can not alone take care of her domestic needs.  The void is being filled by foreign goods.  Giving American business huge tax cuts and special loopholes do not result in business expansion.  That should be fresh in the peoples mind since it has been reported that the Trump-GOP tax cuts were used by corporations to buy back their own stock.

Unfortunately, voters have allowed themselves to be influenced by Trump's tariffs and rhetoric.  Farmers and consumers are paying the price and as of this writing, the Clinton administration had the best all around economy even though Clinton raised corporate taxes and on those making over $200,000 a year.  Plus Clinton balanced the federal budget, something no republican President has accomplished since President Eisenhower in 1960,

The fact that the U.S. imported more crude oil and cellphones that added to May's trade deficit, should tell us something.  Is anyone listening?

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

New Orleans Tourist Visitors Report for 2018: The Most Important Stat Was Missing

In a Times Picayune article dated 6/30/19 by Jennifer Larino titled, City Drew 11.6 million visitors last year, UNO reports told of a study by UNO's Annual Visitor Survey that reported the following:  (1)  New Orleans hosted 11.6  million visitors in 2018, up 5.5% from last year in 2017 that drew just under 11 million.  (2)  Visitors spending was $8.3 billion, up 11.7% from 2017.  (3)  The increases marked another year of growth for the city.  Those numbers tell a good story.

But the most important story was absent from the report.  And that story should have been how much sales taxes did that $8.3 billion of spending generate for the city treasury.  And then check and see if those taxes were collected by the city.  Certainly UNO has a way to calculate the answer just like they came up with the tourist information above.  And like wise, the City of New Orleans has a way of telling if they collected those taxes.

It should be obvious to everyone why it is so important to know the answer.  In fact, this writer thinks it is a question UNO should have been asked before the paper ran the story.  After all, tourism is just another business that produces tax revenues in order to fund the city's needs and the people have a right to know the tax numbers and be informed.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Monday, July 1, 2019

President Trump Caves In While Meeting With China's Leader XI Jinping

President Trump has tried to establish a new trade deal with China for the past 29 months and recently ended several months ago when China left the talks.  Trump then threatened more tariffs on China's goods entering America.  But on Saturday at the Group of 20 meeting in Osaka, Trump and China's leader XI found a place to talk on the sidelines concerning the status of the stalled talks.  In those talks, Trump caved and told XI he would not implement those threatened new tariffs if China agreed to resume the trade talks.

The reports said XI agreed to resume the trade talks at a date to be announced.  There are a few reasons Trumped caved and changed his tune.  Despite Trump's so called tough talk, China has the upper hand.  In pay back for Trump's tariffs, China put tariffs on American farm goods and products that have severely hurt American farmers.  And in fact, Trump has asked congress to legislate billions of dollars in aid to assist those American farmers which will add to the federal deficit.  This is a campaign year for Trump and as of this writing his tariffs have cost the American consumer dearly.  Trump does not want to go into an election year and nothing to show the voters for his tough talk.

But the bottom line is no matter when an agreement comes about, if it does, China one can be sure will benefit the most.  Because they are investing in the technologies that will shape the future of business, jobs, the environment and people's lives.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio