Thursday, January 8, 2009

2009: In Hope Of A New Beginning

Every year America celebrates a new year with hope, joy and a desire that the new year will truly bring advancements for the common good and that the quality of life will be improved for all people everywhere.
Those above words were written on January 4, 2008 in an article titled 2008: Celebration Or Return To The Status Quo.  Our only celebration was the election of Barack Obama as our next President. The American people stepped up to the plate and voiced their independent thought and decided to vote for change.
Outside of the election most of 2008 was a return to the status quo under Mr. Bush and the year turned out to be a disaster for the people and our country.  That disaster is still playing out so there is no need to repeat it here.  America will have a new leader on January 20 and our hopes are high that a new direction will be charted for our country and its people.  The status quo has to be reversed with new idea's and direction.  Our fiscal and economic house has hit rock bottom because of the Bush administration policies and now our people have to realize President-elect Obama will not be able to turn things around over night.  He deserves our support and patience and at the same time we the people have to hold him to his promises of change for the better.
The people's support and patience is important because the news media, especially the neocon journalists on cable news will look for any thing negative to create a story that is not even there.  President-elect Obama has a great challenge ahead and America and its people will enter 2009 with the hope that our country will once again answer the call.