Sunday, April 1, 2018

President Trump and Amazon: The Trumpet Man's Rhetoric Is Another Indication Of An Unstable President

Trump's comments about Amazon paying no taxes is a good example of the President's corrupt attitude concerning corporate America.  Here we have the President of the United States who refuses to make his tax returns public so no one knows how much taxes he or his companies pay, yet he says Amazon pays no taxes.  Well maybe they do not and maybe Trump and his companies do not either.

All of this confirms that Trump and the republicans tax bill that was passed in December was a fraud.  Corporate America's tax rate was reduced from 35% to 21%,  a reduction of 14%.  And remember, Trump and the republicans said the tax reform was going to do away with the loop holes and special tax deductions granted to business.  It did not and one should know there are many business, including Trumps that will pay no federal taxes in the future.

Trumps real problem is Amazon's founder Jeff Bezos who also owns the Washington Post, a newspaper that does investigative reporting and has reported a number of stories about Trump, his business and his campaign contacts with Russia.  Those reports were critical of Trump and his campaign so Trump is lashing out like he always does and uses his position as President to try and intimidate.  Only an unstable person would act like Trump does.

Bill and Hillary Clinton have made over 30 years of tax returns public.  They think the people have a right to know.  Their latest tax return made public was during the 2016 Presidential campaign and it showed the Clintons paid a federal tax rate in the 30% range and state taxes in the 40% range.  The Clintons trusted the American people and were not afraid to make their finances public.  Crooked Trump will not allow the American people to see what he is hiding, so he uses Amazon as a distraction.  What a pitiful person.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio