Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Tim Morris Latest Opinion Column Tries To Sell Trump's Non-existent Economic Policy

As usual, Tim Morris the Times Picayune editorial opinion writer tries to come to the rescue of Donald Trump because he believes Trump is not getting credit for the economy, job creation, a booming stock market, low unemployment and good economic news.  He mentions various reports that is supposed to show Trump is not given credit because of his personal behavior which is self inflicted.  Morris' article was published Jan 3 and was titled, WILL TRUMP GET CREDIT FOR A STRONGER ECONOMY?   Well tell me, Did President Obama ever get credit for a stronger economy than the Bush economy?  Never by republicans or conservative journalists because that would high light that the Bush tax cuts were a failure.

A person does not have to be an economist to understand that Trump and the country is enjoying good economic times because of the Obama administrations policies that ended the great republican recession of 2018 and is in its 9th straight year of economic expansion.  And one must not loose sight that during the 2016 campaign, Trump tried to play down the country's economic success and job creation and like other republicans and conservative journalists did not give President Obama credit for the economic success that took place during his tenure as President.

There is no comparison as to what Obama inherited from Bush and what Trump inherited from Obama.  But when Trump leaves office America will find out if they are better that day than they were when Obama left office.  History and precedent tells this writer the answer will be no.  Speculation that Trump's actions to deregulate and have less regulations will be a catalyst to more business investment in equipment and etc., that will broaden the economy and create jobs is just that, speculation.

Morris is a good ditto head conservative republican opinion writer but lacks objectivity and knowledge of the subject matter he reports on.  He is still caught up in Trump's world of "fake news."

This commentary written by Joe Lorio