Saturday, November 28, 2020

President-Elect Joe Biden's Win Has The So Called Conservative Republican Opinion Writers In La-La Land.

Those who follow PolitiDose and political reality understand the recent commentary by so called conservative republican writers mark the start of the never ending negative voices that will continue through out the Biden administration.  It will be the usual drumbeat against democratic administrations that began with the Reagan and Gingrich years because conservatives and republicans have no record to run on.

Recent articles published in the New Orleans Advocate by Michael Gerson, Rich Lowry and Garey Forster are good examples.  Gerson in his article titled, "The democrats have reason to be unhappy in victory" was the usual propaganda by conservatives who try their best at division.  President elect Biden won the election with a record democratic blue wave vote that overwhelmed a sitting President by almost 6 million votes.  The democratic party maintained control of the U.S. House and as of this writing, gained one net seat in the U.S. Senate.  One can see that democrats are not ditto heads like republicans and express their own political attitudes about their own party which Gerson makes himself believe that means un-happiness.  Gerson, being a so called conservative will continue to divide the country with a democrat in the White House once Trump leaves office.

Rich Lowry's article in the New Orleans Advocate titled, "Ungracious exit damages Trump" said he knew in advance how Trump would handle a defeat but all through the Trump years Lowry was a Trump ditto head who supported him and a democratic basher even though Trump and the republicans were running the country.  Lowry also said Trump's handling of the election has been a runaway success and gave the excuse that republicans should give Trump backing to pursue voter fraud in the courts because of some close votes in the battleground states.  The article seems to be an apology for Trump as he leaves office but four years of being a Trump ditto head says it all.

And then there was Garey Forster's article in the New Orleans Advocate titled, Biden's energy policy would drive Louisiana workers into unemployment."  Forster, a local and what appears now to be a regular opinion writer for the Advocate is all over the place in his article.  The article actually talks very little about unemployment.  Its more of a tribute to Trump winning the debate with Biden (he actually lost), the taxes the oil industry pays in Louisiana, unkind words for Governor John B. Edwards and ends with the prediction that Trump will win re-election on November 3.  Being a Trump ditto head, Forster forgot to mention that the oil industry in Louisiana had its best years on the democratic watch and its worst years on the republican watch and that more than 7200 oil field workers lost their jobs in Louisiana in the last year on Trump's watch.  The largest job loses came during the administrations of Nixon and Reagan.  And of course as all knows the oil and gas industry has been in recession for over a year on Trump's watch.

Forster also failed to mention that the Oil industry became the worlds largest producers on the Obama-Biden watch and it was that same democratic administration that held BP accountable for their rig explosion that killed 11 rig workers and cost billions of dollars of damages to Louisiana's environment.  The bottom line is democratic administrations always do a better job at creating new net jobs and a Biden administration will continue that record with the economy.  And Donald Trump will leave office on  January 20 with the worst job creation record since the great depression.  And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio