Monday, December 31, 2018

Happy New Year: Trump and the GOP Continue The Government Shutdown

"The People's House" received a sad New Years resolution from the President and the GOP, a partial shut down of the federal government that will furlough hundreds of thousands workers and with out a pay check.  The President said he looked forward to the shut down and displayed the lack of temperament and qualifications to be President that Hillary Clinton spoke about long ago.

And Trump's ditto head GOP controlled congress just went with the flow and continued to display their failure to lead and govern.  The U.S. House rolled over and passed a funding bill containing the $5 billion for Trump's wall on a partisan vote.  The U.S. senate passed its own funding bill that included $1.6 billion for border security but no wall funds and the bill passed on a non-partisan vote with democratic support.  Trump actually signaled his support for this bill and that is why republican Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell brought the bill up for a vote.  Trump reneged on his support after the vote.  Louisiana's little boy representative in the U.S. House Steve Scalise voted for the House bill even though he knew the bill would never be debated by his own party in the U.S. Senate.

So two years of full control by Trump and the GOP Congress ends a sad two year period in American history.  The "people's house" is held hostage to Trump's sorry behavior and no policy or plan has been introduced by Trump or the GOP concerning immigration reform.  All they have to show on immigration is their sad rhetoric on the subject and their usual blame game against the democratic party.

In order to realize just how bad this republican controlled congress has been think about this.  When President Obama was first elected President, the republican leaders in the House and Senate promised to oppose every thing Obama asked for because they vowed to make him a one term President.  Their opposition was solid until the very end even though Obama won reelection.  For the  last two years they had a republican President and all they have accomplished is a tax cut that adds $1.5 trillion to the national debt, increases deficit spending and a government shutdown.  They ended the year without completing the business of the people even though they had the power to do so.  Trump and his GOP simply refused to govern.

Democrats may have their faults but they have respect for the American people and our system of democratic governing.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Sunday, December 30, 2018

The Democratic Party, The Mature Party Will Take Control of The U.S. House of Representatives on January 3.

Change is a part of every day life and the new year 2019 will bring change to congress as the Democratic Party takes control of the U.S. House on January 3.  And one is safe to say changes will take place because the "mature party" will govern that body of congress.  The issues will no longer be ignored or kicked down the road and the buck stops at Nancy Pelosi's desk if she is elected the "speaker of the U.S. House.

The democratic party has a record of facing the issues, debating and proposing solutions and they will face the issues republicans only talk about but never act on.  Since the economy always does better on the democratic watch that is one subject they will push along with reducing deficit spending.  The party will also hold the President responsible for his autocratic rule.

The republican controlled Senate can block any legislation passed by the U.S. House if they want to because they have the votes and the people will have an opportunity to see in due time if the republican party learned anything.  It is a known fact the republican party could care less about people and the issues that affect the country.  That is one reason for their poor showing in the November 6 elections.

On the other hand, the democratic controlled house will give the republican party a real offer to advance those important issues the GOP and Trump failed to address the past two years.  It would be a time where both parties could let the country know the issues are more important than the politics and that America's two party system is able to govern once again.  Both parties could also claim it happened on their watch.

This writer is not dreaming and is well aware of the republicans extreme ideology, obstructive attitude but the status quo has to change.  It does not appear that in the near future both houses of congress can be controlled by one party with enough votes to assure total control of the issues.  That means for the fore-seeable future a divided congress that can not govern.  That has gone on too long already and has to change.

The ball is now in congress and the President's court to see that 2019 began the needed change.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Saturday, December 29, 2018

What Will The New Year Bring Politically? A Continuing Story.

Will the New Year of 2019 repeat the same mistakes of Trump's first two years in office of chaos, lies,  a disrespect for people and the democratic process and the obstruction of justice?  Can the trumpet man turn it all around and be a good servant to our country and democracy?  His end of the year shutdown of government  and his track record says no.

The most positive indicator for 2019 will be the democratic control of the U.S. House of Representatives.  The mature people will lead the House for the next two years and will discharge their responsibilities and fulfill their obligations to the people.  And most importantly, hold the President responsible for his actions.  The democratic party has plans and policy it will introduce on infrastructure, health care, immigration and other issues that would reduce the chance of an economic recession in 2019.

President Trump and the GOP controlled congress have very few accomplishments for the last two years.  And the republicans who have controlled the U.S. House for the last 8 straight years and the U.S. Senate for the past 4 straight years have failed to even introduce comprehensive immigration reform legislation to debate the issue and failed to establish health care reform.  Those two issues were at the top of their agenda.

And yes my fellow Americans, understanding the failed past is still the key to a better future.  The voters on November 6 understood that.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Another Tremendous First For PolitiDose: The U.S. Supreme Court Sends President Trump a Message

The U.S. Supreme Court on Friday refused to block an earlier ruling by the U.S. District Court in San Francisco when Judge Tigar issued a temporary restraining order blocking Trump's proclamation last month that only migrants who arrived in the U.S.  legally would be eligible for asylum.  The U.S. Supreme Court voted 5-4 and chief justice John Roberts, an appointee of President George W. Bush voted with the liberal wing to enforce the District Court.  The Trump administration has made it a habit to go straight to the Supreme Court thinking the conservative court would rule in their favor.

Trump criticized Judge Tigar's decision at the time and said it is the work of an Obama judge.  Supreme Court Justice John Roberts issued a statement a few days later rebuking Trump's statement and said:  We do not have Obama judges or Trump judges, Bush judges or Clinton judges, adding that an independent judiciary is something we should all be thankful for.

The judge's ruling for blocking Trump's new asylum orders was as follows:  Whatever the scope of the President's authority, he may not rewrite the immigration laws to impose a condition that Congress has expressly forbidden.  Note:  This writer has pointed out in commentary many times over how Trump and his party lack any immigration plans or policy to deal with the problem and instead used only rhetoric which is no policy at all.

In a PolitiDose commentary dated 10/7/18, titled, The U.S. Senate Confirms Brett Kavanaugh For the U.S. Supreme Court written after his confirmation, this writer's words have come true in this latest Supreme Court ruling against Trump.  A so called conservative judge, John Roberts stepped up to the plate and would not allow Trump to corrupt or taint our criminal justice system because he understands the law and the independence of the U.S. Supreme Court.  Judge Roberts is also smart enough to see how Trump and his party has openly said how they want to appoint judges to do their own bidding.  No ethical judge would allow that to take place.

And once again, you read it here first in PolitiDose, your daily dose of political commentary.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Trump and His Party Shuts Down The Government (The People's House) Once Again

The real unreported story is sad.  The "people's house" that the people pay for so the government can function and discharge its responsibility is shut down again for the third time in the last two years while Trump and his party control the process.  Those who work in the "people's house" deserve better and so does the American people.  And the issue used by Trump to shut down the government (his wall) tells a story of how pathetic a man he really is.  His party falls right in line and always picks the holiday season to use that for leverage.

Taking care of the "people's house" should come first and foremost without any strings attached and with out the usual CR extensions that provide only short term relief.  All other outstanding issues should be resolved thru the regular legislative process where a debate and the merits can take place.  President Trump's lies about Mexico paying for his wall and the lack of any real policy or plan by Trump and his party for comprehensive immigration reform represents immigration huffing and puffing only and renders his wall meaningless.

Trump and his party have no respect for the "people's house" even when they are in control.  A short shut down or a long shut down is one and the same because it should never take place.  Two years of failing to govern is not by accident.  It is the result of a traitorous President and liar with the help of a extreme ideology republican party hell bent on destroying America's democratic process.  Is this the proper way to say Merry Christmas to those who work in the "people's house" or to the American people?

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Thursday, December 20, 2018

CNBC's Mouth That Roars: Mad Money Guy Jim Cramer

Jim Cramer, the guy who failed to see the 2008 economic meltdown, recession and the record job losses that followed, then criticized President Obama's policies that brought the economy back, now in its 9th year of expansion, low unemployment and steady job creation is now at war with federal reserve chairman Jeremy Powell for raising the interest rate after another meeting this week.

In a news release of 12/19, CNBC's mad money guy said Powell is Trump's worst re-election nightmare and that Trump is right to worry about a possible recession in 2019 because of the interest rate hikes.  But Cramer is silent on the fact that he supports Trump, his policies and the people he appoints.  And Trump appointed Mr. Powell to his present position and should have known about Powell's position on raising or lowering interest rates.  The previous federal reserve chairwoman, Janet Yellen was appointed by President Obama in 2014 and did a great job in handling the federal reserve while the economy continued to grow, create jobs and lower the unemployment rate.

Janet Yellen has a proven record as an economist.  She served on the federal reserve board for a number of years and was President Clinton's White House Council of Economic Advisors from 1997-1999.  And every one knows the economic track record of President Clinton..  Trump criticized Janet Yellen's policies at the federal reserve during the 2016 campaign and replaced her simply because she was an Obama appointee.  So now he is criticizing his own appointee.  Mr. Trump is not very good at any thing except lying.

Jim Cramer may know a lot about the stock market but his economic comments are worthless.  A recession is coming regardless what the federal reserve does and its coming because of the Trump tax cuts, a lack of a real policy and the fact that republican administrations have no real success to talk about concerning the economy, job creation balancing the federal budget, regulating business, especially the banking business and have no real understanding of the middle class.

And keep in mind that the stock market and the economy has had its best years under democratic administrations.  Jim Cramer and the business community won't tell you that because they are promoting their own thing.  The Dow average almost tripled on President Obama's watch.  It will not do that on Trump's watch regardless what interest rates do.


This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Crooked Trump Surrenders To A Law Suit By New York Attorney General Barbara Underwood On The "Trump Foundation

According to an NBC news release the Trump Foundation, a charitable foundation started by Donald Trump agreed to dissolve and give away its assets to other non-profitable organizations according to an agreement between state prosecutors and the Trump Foundation.  The agreement was announced by the New York Attorney General.  The Attorney General made clear the agreement only settles this one issue and that the lawsuit moves forward on the other issues cited in the lawsuit.

The Attorney General also mentioned in her statement the following:  (1)  Our petition detailed a shocking pattern of illegality involving the Trump Foundation  --  including unlawful coordination with the Trump presidential campaign, repeated and willful self-dealing and much more.  (2)  This amounted to the Trump Foundation functioning as little more than a checkbook to serve Mr. Trump's business and political interests.  (3)  Today's stipulation accomplishes a key piece of the relief sought in our lawsuit earlier this year.  Under the terms, the Trump Foundation can only dissolve under judicial supervision and it can only distribute its remaining charitable assets to reputable organizations approved by my office.  Those are strong statements by the Attorney General.

When one takes into consideration what has been learned from the Mueller investigations and Trump's traitorous acts so far as President, more and more it becomes clear what PolitiDose has said all along.  Yes, there was a crooked Presidential candidate in the 2016 Presidential campaign, but it was not Hillary Clinton.  And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Times Picayune Opinion Writer Tim Morris and Louisiana's U.S. Senator John Kennedy Deserve Each Other

John Kennedy, U.S. Senator and imitator of folksy talk announced he would not run for Governor of Louisiana against Governor John Bel Edwards.  That decision was not surprising since he has no record to run on and was a supporter of former Gov. Bobby Jindal and his failed policies.  And he now supports Trump's policies in Washington.  Now comes an opinion column by Morris dated December 7 concerning Kennedy's decision and Morris' disappointment with Kennedy's decision.

Morris is still singing the same tune about Edwards being the only Democratic Governor in a deep south state and how Trump carried Louisiana.  He than talks about how Bill Cassidy defeated Mary Landrieu and that Trump voters in Louisiana and the fact that Louisiana is a republican state still has its advantage.  The people of Louisiana should remember Cassidy well.  He is a doctor who said he had a health care plan to repeal and replace the ACA but his own party would not take up the measure.

Morris also makes the silly statement that since Kennedy is not running for governor, it doesn't mean that he will be taking it easy on Edwards.  This writer has news for Morris, Edwards can take care of himself against any republican because republicans have no accomplishments to run on or talk about.  Morris knows that and that is why he and conservatives continue to blame democrats for all things negative that take place on the republican watch.

Morris also said, "at the end of the day, Edwards is still a Democrat."  THIS WRITER SAYS, THANK GOD HE IS.  Morris tries to be coy and throws in,  "assuming the President avoids serious legal problems in the coming months, Trump could be a major factor in the governor's race."  His opinion column is all over the lot.  Of course it is easy to understand since Morris is a Trump ditto head supporter no matter what.  And that really says it all.  Conservatives are stilled chapped at the BLUE WAVE on November 6 that blew their leadership out of the U.S. House come next month.  And it even took place in Trump territory.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

The U.S. Economy, Job Creation and Unemployment

The U.S. Labor Department announced the economy created 155,000 in November and the unemployment rate held at 3.7%.  It was the 98th straight month of positive job growth.  Economist were expecting November's numbers to come in around 195,000 jobs.  The Labor Department also reported it revised the October job numbers down 13,000 from its earlier report.

Hourly wages have increased 3.1% so far this year, however, the number of weekly hours worked has decreased.  Some economists set off alarm bells with the decreased in hours worked and coupled with the recent erratic moves of the stock market, more alarm bells have sounded.  Trump's economic adviser, Larry Kudlow had to take to the air and announce that a recession is not in sight.  (does that sound familiar?)

November's job creation pushed the Trump administration farther behind the Obama administration in Job creation during Trump's first 22 months in office as follows:  In Trump's first 22 months in office 4,037,000 jobs have been created for a monthly average of 183,500 jobs.  In Obama's last 22 months in office 4,510,000 jobs were created for an monthly average of 205,000 jobs.

The smaller number of jobs created in November will give economists something to talk about in trying to figure out any clue given in the number.  But the best clue is precedent, and the readers of PolitiDose know where that leads.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Thoughts On LSU's 2018 Football Season

The LSU Tigers completed the regular season with a won-loss record of 9 - 3.  The exact same record as the 2017 Tiger team.  It was coach Orgeron's second full year as head coach.  Before the 2018  season began, this writer's commentary cautioned that Tiger fans should take a wait and see attitude as to how the team would respond and not make any rush to judgement call.

Brody Miller, sports journalist for the Times Picayune in a 12/2 report said LSU surpassed expectations and gave several reasons why which makes no sense to this writer.  The fact is LSU still lacks a consistent offense and poor offensive game planning.  The Tigers are also behind in executing the fundamentals of the game and lacks a winning attitude.  Alabama is still the team that LSU makes very little progress against because LSU is outcoached.

This season LSU beat Georgia, Auburn, Arkansas and Ole Miss and lost to Texas A&M, yet all those teams played Alabama and scored more points against them than LSU did.  Auburn scored 21 points, Georgia scored 35 points, Arkansas scored 31 points, Ole Miss scored 7 points and Texas A&M scored 23 points.  LSU was shut out by Alabama.  Those teams do not have better offensive players than LSU so why can they move the ball against Alabama much better that LSU can?  The answer is coaching.

This writer is also on record who thought LSU should have hired a head coach with a proven record as a winner after Miles was fired.  And now, after two and half years as LSU's head coach, school is still out on coach Orgeron.  Jimbo Fisher, who is in his very first year as head coach at Texas A&M defeated LSU the last game of the season.  Coach Orgeron said after the game LSU should have won the game in regulation.  This writer believes that statement tells a story.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

The Death of A Past President Exposes The Sick Mentality of The Present President

The nation pays tribute to former President George H.W. Bush after his passing and remembers his leadership with comments and stories from those who knew him best and others who admired and appreciated his service to our nation.  His body now lies in state in the Capitol Rotunda for the people to view in person.  It has been a humble week, so what does President Trump do?

He sets out and tweets a storm of personal attacks against Robert Mueller and others involved in the special prosecutor's investigation  in order to intimidate and obstruct the investigation.  The President is incapable of understanding the moment and a time for mourning the loss of a fallen leader.  It is all about Trump and his ego and the sickness within him.  America has no President who can console when necessary.  Instead, America has a President who likes to try and knock people down and has no clue how to lift people up.

And the republicans in congress turned their backs on Trump's malignancy that has destroyed all norms of governing and America's compassion and kindness.  Trump's fog has engulfed the republican leadership, made them cowards and reduced them to ditto head robots.  The republican party of old stood up to President Nixon when it counted and discharged their responsibility to the country.  Today's republican party is Trump's party to bend, submit and break and close their eyes to the laws they swore to uphold and defend.

The malignancy will only end when the President is impeached.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Saturday, December 1, 2018

The Dallas Cowboys 13 The New Orleans Saints 10: Some Thoughts On The Game

The Saints entered the game in BIG "D" Thursday night with a 10-1 record and a 10 game winning streak.  The Cowboys entered the game with a record of 6-5 thanks to a win over Washington a week earlier on Thanksgiving day.  For the past several weeks sports writers in Louisiana were taking a lot of time talking about Brees personal records, the Saints prolific offense and a Super Bowl appearance.

But the Dallas Cowboys was one of the few Saints opponents who knew how to play defense and were not about to let the Saints receivers run wild where they and Brees could play catch like they do with so many other teams.  They had a smart enough defensive coach who knew his defense had to play the receivers tight and that is what they did so effectively.  The results were no prolific Brees and receivers that had problems with the Cowboy defensive backs playing them tight.  It's not what they are use to.

The game with Dallas exposed what this writer has said all along.  The Saints offense is just an average offense when they play a well coached team who knows how to play defense.  The game offered more evidence that the NFL has too many bad teams that are poorly coached and can not compete.  The Saints have beaten only 4 teams with winning records at this point in the season and their next opponent has a losing record.

Sports writers and sport shows, especially those in New Orleans continue to report apple polishing reports on the Saints and their shows are more about entertainment than a proper evaluation of the team.  Why did they start talking prematurely about the Saints holding the bye over the Rams 4 weeks ago?  Now the Dallas game changed all of that and with 4 games left to play it could change again.

Offensive records will continue to be broken with all the terrible teams in the NFL.  The Dallas game and the fact that more than half of the NFL teams are non-competitive, should promote a more objective review by sports writers.  But this writer sees no such change in the New Orleans sports writers reporting.  The hype and Brees personal records will continue to lead their parade.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio