Friday, May 16, 2008

A Good Reason Why It's Not Over Yet

Senator Clinton's solid victory over Senator Obama in the West Virginia primary was great news for the democratic party(the voters) and for Clinton's ability to connect with the voters even though she was written off by the news media and pundits.
The latest poll that came out prior to the vote showed that 64% of democrats wanted Senator Clinton to stay in the race.  The voters in West Virginia confirmed that.  Senator Clinton's support across the various sections of the american voter has been truly amazing.  Her base is much broader than Obama's and would have the better chance to unite the voters in the general election.  It is telling when the leading candidate looses by such a large margin (41%) this late in the game, especially when he and his campaign has already crowned him the democratic nominee.  And it has happened when Obama had just announced he would begin to campaign in those swing states he lost to Clinton.  Re: Michigan, Florida, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Texas.
Senator Clinton's decision not give in to her detractors reflect her courage, resolve and willingness to fight for what she believes in.  Her message of talking about the real issues facing America are in contrast with Obama and McCain's campaign.  Obama still has not articulated what changes he is for and McCain touts a second hand version of Bush.
Kentucky and Oregon primaries are next week and all primaries will officially end soon after that.  The delegates who will cast the final votes and select the next nominee should think hard about who is best to represent the democratic party in the November elections.  The pundits and news media have chosen Obama long ago and have rejected any idea of fairness or what is best for the country.  This despite the fact that this primary season has brought out the best in the democratic party, the voters.  The democratic primaries have been a model for years to come had it not been for the media and the pundits who clamored to end it all long ago.
Regardless who ends up being the democratic nominee, the media and pundits will forever tell the people why it happened.  But the fact of the matter is we have an electorate who believes in both candidates ability and the final voting results will be so close, it will tell the story itself.  And when the democratic nominee is officially know it will be up to that candidate to carry the party to victory in November, there will no longer be a blame game on someone else.  The nominee will have to make his/her case to the american people. 

How To Enjoy The Democratic Primaries and Nominating Process

The News Media, especially T.V. journalists, pundits, political analyst, the Clinton haters and the Obama supporters who are always belly aching(The Cartel) should be enjoying the Democratic primaries and the race between Senators Clinton and Obama instead of being frustrated and talking silly.  They should follow the lead of the voters themselves who are happy to have the opportunity to express themselves with their vote.
The Cartel found themselves in the same fix last night after the results came in from Indiana and North Carolina.  They had nothing news worthy to say since the only outcome was Senators Clinton and Obama increased their delegate count and each won a primary state.  It took 5 hours to come to that conclusion by the Cartel.  In the meantime we heard all kinds of silly things from them.  Now its on to West Virginia and the remaining primaries.
The Cartel's nose is out of joint because Clinton says she will continue the race.  Their latest retort when Clinton says she is the best candidate to face McCain really blows what brains they have left.  So this is the story they are trying to push and develop.  "If Senator Obama is the democratic nominee and he looses to McCain in the general election it will be Senator Clinton's fault."  That is not a very bright thing to say about Obama but it shows the Cartel's mentality and how little faith they have in Obama.  The problem is not really Clinton but the Cartel's hatred of her.
The voters common sense approach of letting the vote play out which will control the delegates actions in the end is the democratic thing to do.  Voter turn out has been great for the democrats and they are in tune to what is taking place.
The primary results so far indicate the voters are having a hard time choosing between Clinton and Obama and there is nothing wrong with that.  In the end that will shake out.  In the meantime the democrats are getting more news coverage that McCain.  If you are a democrat you gotta love that.  So the Cartel should sit back, join the human race, follow the voters lead and try to act mature. 

Has America Entered The Twilight Zone?

The political climate in our country seems eerie at the present time.  It reminds me of a time warp where time is actually standing still.  Our people are not doing well with the economy, oil and gas prices are still out of control, inflation is back, the war in Iraq is still raging and President Bush is off again to Israel and the middle east trying to put some teeth in the seven year old road map to peace that has existed in name only.
The news media is in a state of reruns concerning the democratic primaries repeating the same worn out stories over and over.  Obama is trying to act like he has already won the democratic nomination and his speeches do not convey a knowledge of what the President's job is all about.  McCain locked up  theRepublican nomination a long time ago and is trying to find himself but like Obama has a hard time expressing himself.  Senator Clinton is the only game in town campaigning just as hard as ever in W. Virginia which votes May 13 and talking about the real issues.  The news media has already wrote her off and are covering little of her campaign in W.Virginia.  If she is victorious there the media will make little of it.
It seems like the events have passed us up without really playing out.  The Presidents lack of involvement in the affairs of the people are truly astounding.  The media's rush to judgement in favor of Obama has placed them in the seat of judge and jury.  As a country we are really lacking of direction at a time of need.
Senator Clinton seems to be the only elected official who is involved in the real world and who would like to give some direction to the country.  She understands that the real democratic party, the American voters are not the ones calling for her to drop out the race.  We should be thankful to our democratic voters for their involvement and Senator Clinton's willingness to fight for what she believes in. 

The Republican Trademark: High Oil and Gas Prices

I wrote a three part series not long ago titled, "The economy, which party performs best" going back to the Reagan Administration.  It detailed why the country, its people and the economy did so much better under Bill Clinton, a democrat who not only had a sound fiscal policy but returned the government to balanced budgets and surpluses.
Now we have a chance to compare those four administrations and how their actions and policies affected the price of a barrel of Oil.  Reminder to the reader.  The reason I start with the Reagan administration is that is when the neocon republican presidents started to tell the American people they were the ones who can best deal with the economy, balance the federal budget, cut spending and so on.  But the record is clear, it was Bill Clinton who had the best economic plans, fiscal policies and a commitment to balance the federal budget and it worked.
The following is the average yearly price of a barrel of Oil during their administrations.  It does not show the higher or low price but the average yearly price adjusted for inflation thru December 2007.
Reagan Administration  1981-1988   8 years                    Yearly average  $51.37/barrel
Bush 41 Administration 1989-1992   4 years                     Yearly average  $32.04/barrel
Clinton Administration   1993-2000   8 years                     Yearly average   $23.88/barrel
Bush 43                       2001-2007   7 years **                  Yearly average   $43.83/barrel
**  Note the final number is not in yet for the year 2008 but so far oil has hit an all time high.  So when Bush 43 leaves office the yearly average will be over $43.83/barrel.
We know a sound, broad based economic policy with fiscal discipline addresses most all of the parameters that is necessary for a sustained economy with low inflation.  The Clinton administration produced just that.  The Reagan, Bush 41 and Bush 43 administrations lacked the fundamentals necessary for a broad based economic policy.  That the yearly average in the price of a barrel of Oil under the Clinton administration was the lowest by far during the past 27 years, 19 under Republican control, shows just how well the country and its people did under Clinton in all  area's of the economy.
The so called conservative Republican Presidents have a tax cutting policy to seduce the people and then stick it to the country and the people in a hundred different ways including high Oil and Gas prices.  It is time for America to wake up.
Information shown herein for the Oil averages computed from information taken from InflationData.Com, Historic Oil Prices.