Friday, May 16, 2008

How To Enjoy The Democratic Primaries and Nominating Process

The News Media, especially T.V. journalists, pundits, political analyst, the Clinton haters and the Obama supporters who are always belly aching(The Cartel) should be enjoying the Democratic primaries and the race between Senators Clinton and Obama instead of being frustrated and talking silly.  They should follow the lead of the voters themselves who are happy to have the opportunity to express themselves with their vote.
The Cartel found themselves in the same fix last night after the results came in from Indiana and North Carolina.  They had nothing news worthy to say since the only outcome was Senators Clinton and Obama increased their delegate count and each won a primary state.  It took 5 hours to come to that conclusion by the Cartel.  In the meantime we heard all kinds of silly things from them.  Now its on to West Virginia and the remaining primaries.
The Cartel's nose is out of joint because Clinton says she will continue the race.  Their latest retort when Clinton says she is the best candidate to face McCain really blows what brains they have left.  So this is the story they are trying to push and develop.  "If Senator Obama is the democratic nominee and he looses to McCain in the general election it will be Senator Clinton's fault."  That is not a very bright thing to say about Obama but it shows the Cartel's mentality and how little faith they have in Obama.  The problem is not really Clinton but the Cartel's hatred of her.
The voters common sense approach of letting the vote play out which will control the delegates actions in the end is the democratic thing to do.  Voter turn out has been great for the democrats and they are in tune to what is taking place.
The primary results so far indicate the voters are having a hard time choosing between Clinton and Obama and there is nothing wrong with that.  In the end that will shake out.  In the meantime the democrats are getting more news coverage that McCain.  If you are a democrat you gotta love that.  So the Cartel should sit back, join the human race, follow the voters lead and try to act mature. 

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