Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Another Big First For PolitiDose Commentary.

 Monday night on MSNBC's show The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell, part of his offering statemen was about Democratic administrations governing much better than Republican administrations do and how President Joe Biden has been the SANE voice for America among the toxic rhetoric and the good job Biden has done with the economy.  He also spoke of the new political add by Biden set to start running which reminds the voters that Trump is a convicted criminal, an abuser of women and a fraudster.  

And if all that sounded familiar to the viewing public it's because you read it here first in PolitiDose commentary.  Commentary that reminded the people that Biden and the Democrats were the only SANE people in Washington doing their job while Trump and the GOP were being their usual toxic self dividing the country.  It was also PolitiDose commentary that reminded it's readers that Trump was not only a convicted criminal but called attention to his abuse of women, his fraud history and defamation.  

In fact, PolitiDose commentary has for the past 10 years spelled out why Democratic administration are best at governing America the Beautiful.  And they are best at governing every phase of the American economy.  MSNBC and other media networks are slow to realize the facts, tardy in reporting the good news and spend too much time on the negative voices who have no accomplishments.  With 5 months left to the November elections, the media should tune out the negative voices and pay attention to the positives of the past 45 months and the balance of this year which economist are now saying will be a strong second half.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio