Monday, October 29, 2007

Fox and Bill O at it Again

Just when you think Fox News can't get any lower, they do. It all started last week on The O'Reilly Factor. Bill O claimed that the "liberal media" was somehow avoiding the truth about how the war in Iraq is going. He claims that the "liberal media" is making the war seem worse than it actually is. He cited so called factual reports that claimed zero Americans were killed in Iraq last week.

That, as you can guess, was a lie. The truth is that, sadly, 6 of our brave men and women lost their lives in Iraq last week. There is a reason the "liberal media" was not talking about it-----because maybe the "liberal media" likes to present facts.

The next night, Bill O apologized, citing that there was a mistake in the information he received. Not that I believe O'Reilly; I'm sure what he said was said for his partisan purposes, but whatever. Lying to make his Republican friends look good and right on all the issues is nothing new for Bill O. But then this story hit a new low.

After Bill O has publicly apologized and acknowledged that he was wrong, Fox used this same information again. This time it was on Fox and Friends. Maybe one time can pass as "just a mistake", but when it happens twice, especially after the mistake had been acknowledged, it is no mere coincidence.

The truth is, that while people on Fox claim that "us liberals" don't care about our troops, I think the exact opposite might be true. The "liberal media" tells the American people the truth. There is nothing rosy about the Iraq War. People are being killed needlessly over there. By Fox making up their own facts and pretending that all is going well is unfair to the American people who are looking for the facts. It is especially unfair to those 6 who lost their lives that week. They were basically thrown to the side by Fox in order for them to make themselves and the GOP look good.

***I would also like to say, on a side note, that I'm sick of Republicans calling the media "liberal". I mean, seriously, liberal??? There is only one show where I can see a clear liberal bias as far as the news stations are concerned, and thats Keith Olberman. I mean, for crying out loud, we have a whole channel of nothing but GOP conservatives. Talk Radio is dominated by Conservative voices. So I wish before Republicans would criticize the media for being too liberal, they should look at the facts. But then again, it seems like saying the truth and giving the facts is considered being "liberal" to Republicans. Apparently their new synonym for truth is "liberal". So if I, and others, are "liberals" because we give the American people the cold hard facts, then I'm glad to be called "liberal".***

All Eyes on Philly

With the January presidential caucuses and primaries growing closer and closer, all eyes will be tuned in for tomorrow's Democratic debate on NBC. The debate will emanate from Philadelphia and Brian Williams (w/ Tim Russert) will moderate. All the Democratic contenders, with the exception of Mike Gravel, will be there and we all know who the bull's eye will be on-----Hillary Clinton.

The big story of the night will be, as I mentioned, the way in which Hillary is targeted. There is a sense of franticness among the other Democrats' campaigns. Everyone else in the race realizes that Clinton, despite their attacks against her, is not only staying a strong candidate, but is becoming even more popular. There was one mistake, in my opinion, that one candidate made leading up to this crucial debate.

Right there, on the front page of the New York Times is Sen. Obama talking about how he is going to go after Clinton at the debate tomorrow. He doesn't just stop there either. He proceeds to tell the world, obviously including the Clinton campaign, what issues he is going to attack her on. I can assure you that Hillary will have all those issues, and more, ready to answer for now. If Obama would have kept his mouth shut, he could have potentially surprised her on a number of issues. This is just another example of the inexperience of Obama. Obama needs to realize he is fighting a war against Clinton for the nomination, and in a war, you don't tell your enemy how you're going to attack them days before the actual battle.

There is another thing that the candidates have to be careful about when they inevitably go after Clinton. Obama, Edwards, and other have all brought it up. They continue to say (or imply) that voting for Hillary would be like a vote for the 90s again with Bill. Do they not realize that talk like that works against them? Is it just me, or isn't Bill Clinton, and his time as president, one of the best in history? The point is----that in the current state of the world, people, especially Democrats, look back on the time of Bill Clinton as, "heaven". In fact, about 70% of all Americans (Democrats and Republicans) liked Bill Clinton as President. Thats compared to about 25% for our current President.

One last thing I must caution the candidates about when going after Hillary: Don't be a hypocrite. She will undoubtably be attacked for her Iran vote. The problem is that Obama, and others, supported and voted for a bill, just like the recent one, back in April. And to make matters even worse for Obama, he didn't even bother to show up to vote against this bill thats he is all of a sudden dead set against. It's hard to claim that you're a leader on an issue when you simply don't show up to vote on it.

I must say that I am definitely looking forward to tomorrow's debate. I think we will finally see some fireworks between the candidates. This is Obama's chance to "chop" away at the support of Hillary. But, Hillary also has a chance to do something big. She can, with a good, convincing argument, effectively shut down the Obama machine. What I mean by that is this----if Obama comes at her full force, and Hillary can counter-argue his points in her favor, then she makes it just about impossible for Obama to do anything more to hurt her chances at the nomination. In simple terms---it's do or die for Obama. He has to put all his cards on the table and hope that they work. If they don't, its over; he's out of the game; he doesn't have any more cards to play, and Hillary wins. As for the other 5 candidates, quite frankly, they don't have a chance. This is a two person race, and, after tomorrow's debate, it could become a one person race.