Friday, February 10, 2017

The United States Presidency: A Place Of America's Ideals

There can be no Presidency without a President but they are not one and the same.  The President is human and mortal but the Presidency is a place of high ideals for the common good, the people and the country and even the world.  Its a place that changes hands during elections but where the occupier swears to the same oath our forebearers  did over 200 years ago.

But the Presidency and what it stands for is in danger because of the person who now sits in the office, President Trump.  The statesmanship, wisdom, knowledge and character necessary to carry out the traditions of the Presidency have given way to egotism, slander, personal attacks, lie after lie and a disrespect for the law and people.  The President now puts himself first above all else and enjoys demonizing people who disagree with him.  His first duty is not the country or its people but his own self interest.

The President's latest remarks against the judges who stayed his executive order banning some immigrants speak of a vindictive President who tries to damage those who dare disagree with him.  The Presidency itself is being damaged on Trump's watch across the board and his conflict of interest continues unabated, even though he knows what the constitution requires from a President to separate himself from his business interest, he has refused to do so.  And this week he is in a running battle with a company who dropped his daughters clothing line.  A President using his office to try and influence a business over their decision that affects a Trump family business.  The Presidency is a place that is above all that.

President Trump has been in office 21 days as of this writing and his policies so far have been regressive and a far cry from President Obama's policies that moved the country forward.  The Presidency itself is at risk and our young generation must be wondering what is this self serving President all about.  It is also very noticeable that the President's supporters who flooded facebook with praise no longer are commenting on that social media.

Donald Trump, the candidate showed no respect for the Presidency during the campaign and now Donald Trump, the President shows no respect for the Presidency, the office that he now holds.  Will the President ever learn that respect has to be earned?  Will his corrupt business practice continue to be the driving force behind his administrations every move?  Is the President capable of bringing respect to the Presidency?  The record is building every day and time will be the judge.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio