Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Did The Louisiana Legislature Really Balance The State's Budget For Fiscal 2015-2016?

No, not really, because fiscal reality has escaped the republican controlled legislators and as in the past, before the new fiscal year ends the new governor and the legislator's auditor will announce the budget is out of balance.  It will fit the same pattern as previous Jindal budgets that he and the legislature said were balanced.  And you will have read it here first again in "PolitiDose."

The middle class and college students will be saddled with higher cost for college, smoking and buying automobiles while business will suffer some tax credit and tax breaks roll back for a period of 1 to 3 years at which time the tax breaks and credits will be available again.

Like on the federal level, the republicans in Louisiana always comes up with various ways to get into the average tax payers pockets while letting the business community off the hook.  It should be remembered the business community continues to enjoy $8 billion in tax breaks.

Democratic representative John Bel Williams who is a candidate for Governor is the only candidate that can bring stability to Louisiana's fiscal health.  The republican party had an opportunity to do so for 8 years and failed.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio