Saturday, February 20, 2021

The Cancel Culture Is A Product Of The Republican Party

Fake news is the product of Donald Trump and the cancel culture is the product of the republican party.  The cancel culture started with Ronald Reagan when he ran for President and then took off like a rocket during the Newt Gingrich era and continues with today's GOP and the so called conservative news media.  They tried to cancel the democratic party's accomplishments with personal attacks, lies, disinformation, misinformation, voter suppression, obstruction and their attacks on liberalism as the enemy.

And the republican cancel culture fit right in with the election of Donald Trump who took the matter to a level that ended in a mob attack on the nation's capitol to intimidate congress and reverse the election of Joe Biden.  And it was done at the direction of President Trump with additional help from other members of the GOP.  And as of this writing, President Trump and many in the GOP are still trying to sell the lie that Trump won.  They are still trying to cancel the election in their rhetoric on the conservative networks and the networks are happy to allow their cancel culture to spread the lie.

Republican Senator Mitch McConnell showed his brand of cancel culture when Barrack Obama was elected President by announcing he and his party wanted to make President Obama a one term President and would not support his policies.  McConnell obstructed and refused to give President Obama's Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland a hearing which in effect cancelled Garland's opportunity to become a Supreme Court Justice.

The cancel culture of the republican party, its leaders and the conservative media feel their on going attempt to destroy the democratic party and its accomplishments using un-American tactics because their own GOP has a failed record at governing.  The GOP also believes they are elite and above everyone else, including the law of the land.  The GOP's cancel culture sickness was understood by the blue wave voters in November who in record numbers elected democratic Presidential candidate Joe Biden.

The GOP cancel culture and tactics will continue because they are really not interested in good or stable governing.  For them, its all about personal ideology and it is the democratic party that stands in their way who truly represent the country and the American people.  And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio