Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Missing Link In The United States's Political System

President Obama was the best political candidate for the 2008 election over the republican field, and now as of this writing he is the best political candidate over any republican challenger so far for the 2012 Presidential election. However, what the country and the people need most now is a President Obama with the leadership and display of character and courage of President's Franklin Roosevelt, Truman and Kennedy.

All three former Presidents would have put these republicans we have today in their little boy places, concerning deficit spending, the national debt, divisive issues, the need for a active federal government where it counts, regulation and would have exposed the republican party's leadership for what they are, liars. They would have also taken on corporate America and their business monopolies head on and held them accountable for their misdeeds and unAmerican behavior.

President Obama's action on several issues with the republican party has lacked leadership and courage and has allowed the republicans to control the debate where they have no credibility what so ever. President Obama also has not properly dealt with corporate America's greed and their appetite for tax breaks they do not need or deserve.

The President needs to step up to the plate for the balance of his first term with leadership and courage to lead the way instead of letting the republicans control the agenda. The democrats control the White House and the U.S. Senate, that is 2/3 thirds of the federal government. It is time to lead and point out that the republican party has no positive record on any issues.