Sunday, April 24, 2016

Seven Months Until The November Election

Election day in November will conclude 18 months of campaigning for the President of the United States.  Much money will be spent during that time period by the candidates, PAC's, individuals and other supporters.  It is a ritual that needs to be changed in this writers opinion.  The debate process should be changed and handed over to Public Television and their hosts should be the moderators for obvious reasons.
At this point in the campaign, strategy will change and so will the rhetoric, especially on the republican side.  Donald Trump's campaign has recently announced Trump will act more Presidential than he has been because he believes he will b his party's nominee.  He will now be more moderate and nice to the voters he has been critical of.  His campaign believes he has done all the damage he can do to his republican opponents and now has to do an about face for the every day voter.  That is SOP for republican candidates because they are a party of ideology and think of themselves as elite.

Democratic candidates do not have that problem because they believe in policy for America that reaches all Americans.  It is the reason why the country and its people do better on the democratic watch.  The Obama administration has continued that record moving the country out of the republican record recession of 2008.  The republicans do not wish to talk about that and neither does the news media, they would rather report on what divides America.

There could be a real challenge to the candidates before the election if the Supreme Court rules in favor of President Obama's executive order on immigration which they are now hearing.  It would be interesting to say the least how the republicans would act if the court rules in the President's favor.  We know they do not want immigration reform from their own lips.  President George W. Bush introduced immigration reform during his administration in 2007 only to be rejected by his own party.  They also rejected immigration over 2 years ago when the democratic controlled senate passed immigration reform legislation.

So a lot can happen in the next seven months.  But regardless what happens, one candidate alone will stand out as the voice of reason and consistency on the issues facing the country and its people.  And this writer has a good idea who that person will be.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio