Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Trumpet Man Must Be Reading "PolitiDose" On Its Immigration Commentary

For a number of years PolitiDose has exposed the republican failure to provide policy or Plans for immigration reform, debate such before congress and call for a vote.  It has been doing the same thing since Trump became President and it looks like the President received the message.  After 30 months in office and nothing to show for immigration reform except Trump's rhetoric, the following was reported yesterday by a senior administration official according to an internet news release.

The senior official said Trump presented a bill to his cabinet Tuesday for overhauling the current immigration system to make it more merit based.  There was no time table for introducing the bill to congress but the President was looking to rally the republicans around a detailed proposal.  The President was scheduled to meet with the leaders of the republican party on Tuesday afternoon on how to go forward but cancelled the meeting abruptly right before it was set to start.  In fact, republican leaders were already on their way to the White House.

The senior officer was quoted as making the following statement which people who read PolitiDose and follow politics already knew.   "The  goal of this has been to unify the Republicans as much as possible around a plan, noting that DIVISIONS with the GOP over policy issues had HINDERED IMMIGRATION REFORM BIDS IN THE PAST."   We'll see what leader McConnell and McCarthy want to do.  If they want to put it for a vote.  But at least the Democrats will know what the Republican unified position is.

The facts tell us republicans have HINDERED IMMIGRATION REFORM during President George W. Bush's administration, a republican administration who wanted the issue addressed.  They did the same during President Obama's administration and went so far as to let immigration reform passed by the democratic controlled Senate with republican votes in 2013 die in the republican controlled House with out even debate.  Yes my fellow Americans, PolitiDose is way ahead on the issue so important to our country than the regular news media who continue to allow Trump and his party to spout their extreme rhetoric with out explaining the facts to their readers and viewers.

But PolitiDose, your daily dose of political commentary will continue to bring its readers the facts on the issues as they occur  The buck and the lies never stop at Trump's desk nor with his party's rhetoric.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio