Friday, September 18, 2015

The Second Republican Debate

Wednesday night's debate did little to distinguish any of the 11 republican candidates on the big stage or the 4 on the little stage.  In fact most of the questions asked were covered in the previous first debate.  Good for Ohio governor John Kasich to stand up and express his opinion early on about the back and forth swiping at each other and even said the folks back home may be tuning out the debate.

The news media as usual picked the winners and losers after the debate.  It is a ritual that is meaningless to those who watched the debate and heard no real answers to questions on issues that go back to previous administrations including republican administrations.  CNN's moderators were bent on using questions that opened the door to attack Trump and some of his past comments.

The sad part about the debate were the questions and answers concerning immigration.  Why is that still on the debate agenda wasting time when the republican party has already ruled out any immigration reform legislature until after the 2016 elections and they control both houses of Congress until the election.  They are afraid to do immigration reform before the election but the moderators are afraid to touch that.

Jeb Bush still can not handle the question about Iraq when it comes up, especially when Trump talks about the subject.  When it came up in the debates Jeb made the biggest gaffe when he said his brother kept us safe.  Has Jeb forgotten about what happened on 9/11 on his brothers watch?  Also his brother did not keep us safe when he started the war in Iraq over WMD that did not exist that killed or wounded thousands of Americans.  How can Jeb Bush be a good President if he can not face up to reality?

Carly Fiorina made three gaffe's when she said:  (a)  2/3 of the states are necessary for a constitutional amendment when it is 3/4 of the states.  (b)  The democratic party does not want immigration reform.  Well, it was the democratic controlled senate that passed immigration reform over two years ago and then died in the republican controlled house.  (c)  President Obama should watch the video of the abortion concerning planned parenthood.  The fact of the matter is the video has yet to be found as being authentic.

But there is good news for the people.  The democratic debates will produce answers that Americans can relate to and Vice President Joe Biden has not yet ruled out a run for the Presidency.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio