Friday, February 23, 2018

President Donald Trump: Incapable Of Being a Statesman Even When Tragedy Strikes

At a time of tragedy,  America needs a President to be a statesman, a calming voice, someone to lean on, some one who understands sorrow, some one who has understanding, some one who has feeling, some one who can speak from the heart and most of all some one to lead.  The recent tragedy at a Parkland, Florida high school and Trump's reaction, especially his so called "meeting of listening" with students, family members and others, Trump demonstrated he had none of the above qualities and is truly corrupted to the core.

The President had to depend on a hand written notes to talk about the tragedy and exhibited no natural responses that come from the heart.  The President's notion that school teachers should be armed to protect their students showed how little Trump knows about the gun problem in the country.  More guns in school are a prescription for more violence and would make our institutions of learning a combat zone on a regular basis.  School teachers jobs are to teach, not be policemen or guards  It is another example of Trump's disrespect for our institutions.

And to top it off, the ignorance of this President's obligations, he has yet to talk seriously about banning assault style weapons like the one used in the Florida killings.  His statement about raising the age to 21 to be able to buy an assault weapon was designed to let the NRA and the gun lobby know he will support their position of no banning of assault weapons  What a cowardly position for a President.  For them, the next time we have a mass killing by someone 21 or older with an assault weapon, they will just turn their backs and come up with more excuses.

The President's inability to lead America in time of tragedy is a pitiful reminder the U.S does not have a President in the White House.  It has a individual trying to corrupt the country.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio